muss ich als alman auch alle mit bro und habibi ansprechen?
habe viele südländische Freunde und die machen immer einen auf Bro. Solch ein Verbrüderung kenne ich nicht. wirke ich kalt, wenn ich immer nur ein hey sage ohne persönliche Note.
und an die südländer, erwartet ihr von euren deutschen Freunde, dass sie euch genauso begrüßen wie eure südländischen Freunde? Ich sage mal so, diese Art passt zu mir eigentlich, aber ich sehe auch ein, dass ich mich leicht ins abseits rücke, wenn ich es nicht tue
No, you don’t. I don’t do that much. With me it would be if Bro or Age. How: “What’s going on, dude/bro?” Hey’s enough or Hey, what’s up?
ok and purely psychological. do you feel more honored and valued by habibi?
I’m not, but I’m not Southern. It’s enough for me to write it. But most of them don’t care if hey or Hi Bro etc.
“Hey” is your personal note.If the others give the Bro/Habibi Geplapper of themselves. And why should it be more warm when I talk to everyone with brother? This is the only meaning of the word. The speech means nothing more.
naja hey is not personal. I mean, personally, a person’s participation. bro and habibi relate directly to my counterpart. Hey is neutral, I could say it to a tree, I could say it to a rabbit or an object I’ve been looking for a long time and suddenly find it again
You don’t have to equip the lamentable pebbles of precarious and underprivileged for you. Do not lower your level to such a pathetic stand.
tja, may be that it occurs particularly strongly on the pebble, but it is also used elsewhere. When it’s used to me, it doesn’t mean that I feel in a superior position, but it’s everyday greetings.
Nobody forces you to speak to anyone.
the question is also how I react when I am being addressed
That’s not what anyone expects.
I can be, but it certainly seems a bit boring. I’ve had a different education and as an adult you’ll notice that
Better than to adjust to cramp. You’ll notice that if you move.
I don’t expect my German friends.
ok and how would it work for you if I greeted you with bro and habibi. Can you do that?
If you can do, you don’t have to.
Okay, I guess that’s what I do. Thank you for your assessment
I don’t care.
All right, all right, and your Southern friends, if they say hey without bro or habibi. How does that work for you?