Muss er das Fahrrad bezahlen?
Also ich war gestern bei meinen Freund und er hat mich gefragt ob er kurz eine Runde fahren kann und danach ging die Elektronik überhaupt nicht mehr
ich habe ihn gefragt was er gemacht hat und er hat irgendwie etwas verheimlicht
E Bikw
First, the damage should be detected and whether your friend has to answer it. Maybe he can’t do anything for it. If so, he’ll have to pay for the repair.
hmm, then it’s a voluntary transfer to use for sampling. It’s probably not agreed with the parents.
Maybe the driver’s parents have a private liability insurance.
I’m guessing you weren’t there right then & were behind a biobike?
Otherwise there might be a guarantee on the e-bike. Then the damage would have to be detected.
You can naturally set the engine power off. Maybe try the steps on the display
With your information, you can’t tell if he’s responsible for the damage.
I read Grad that you’re 16. Then probably your parents paid the bike. If so, the case goes on.
By the way, liability damage would be only if loan items are explicitly included in the insurance.
Yes, of course, if you can prove to him, for example by an expert opinion, that he has caused the damage, he must pay at the latest after you have sued it in court.
no I don’t go to court,but the insurance should pay it
What insurance?