Muss eine klaffende Wunde genäht werden?
An meinem Mittelfinger ist eine schnittartige Wunde. Muss das genäht werden? Problem ist: jedes Mal wenn ich die Hand bewege, öffnet sich die Wunde erneut. D.h ich müsste die Hand für mehrere Stunden nicht bewegen, damit das Blut gerinnt. Angenommen ich benutze die Hand weiterhin normal, würde das Auswirkungen haben? Wieviel Blut würde ich verlieren, wieviel Blut kann man problemlos verlieren?
You should go to the doctor. You could, depending on how big and heavy you are about. Lose 1-3.5 liters of blood before it becomes dangerous to life.
The body has 6 L or so
Depends on how big and heavy you are, but yes, usually it is about 5 to 7 liters.
All right, if it stopped bleeding and it’s all right
My hand is geronne’s blood. Nature has planned flexibility. (I think so) In this blood salmon, my guess is a vacuum where the blood sets a stop.
What exactly do you mean, “Blutlache”?
It seems like it’s in the blood salmon. I’ll go to the doctor tomorrow, if necessary.
That’s good.
It didn’t catch an artery
You should definitely get to the doctor…
If it’s not cured in the morning…
This must be treated immediately, it no longer grows together.
I’m fine. I had squeezed the wound together for half an hour and after that only a little blood has flowed. The blood has formed a closed system and is smelled. No more has happened overnight. I made armored tape with sterilization dressing cloth on it. Think a surgeon could not have created better wound healing.
Hey, so I’m in the sani training right now, and I’d definitely explain it to your pediatrician. Hope could help☺️
Hey :
So the wound has a diameter of 2cm. The depth is about 5mm or something. I’m trying to shut it down. But every time the hand is moved the whole wound opens
Go to the emergency room, let it clamp.
This is not as easy as it comes to where the wound is on the joint or something