MUSS ein Plug-in-Hybrid aufgeladen werden?
Hay, Leute
Ich wollte mir ein neues Fahrzeug zulegen und habe an einen Hybriden gedacht. Leider habe ich nicht viel Ahnung von Autos und wollte daher wissen ob ich einen Hybriden aufladen MUSS? Also Regelmässig oder ob es reicht wenn ich hin und wieder mal beim Einkaufen das Auto an das Kabel hänge. Ich habe leider nicht die Möglichkeit das Auto zuhause täglich aufzuladen.
Liebe grüße.
If a plug in hybrid is fully charged, it drives up to 50 km pure electric when you drive longer distances then it goes via the internal combustion engine (diesel or petrol).
Advantages and disadvantages compared to burners:
Advantage: Low consumption in short distances
up to 50 km pure electric
better acceleration
when braking, battery is charged
Disadvantage: 2 systems need more space and are heavier
Tank volume small
Teurer as pure burner
for motorways more consumption by the higher weight
Ecologic advantage only if you drive it longer and especially for short driving times and city traffic
Greetings HobbyTfz
A plug-in hybrid also drives without being charged to the socket. Then he works like a normal hybrid. However, a plug-in hybrid only makes sense when it is loaded regularly, because only then can it exploit its full potential!
In your case, a hybrid without a plug makes more sense!
If you want to use the benefits of a plug-in, you also need to charge it. This is the meaning of a plug-in hybrid.
In principle, a hybrid recharges itself during the journey and, as required, calls the stored energy to drive purely electrically. This is done especially when braking and “sailing” so let rolling on longer mountain from trips or on the highway. A hybrid therefore works completely independently, automatically and therefore very easily for the driver.
However, a plug-in hybrid can be additionally charged to the power grid in order to be able to retrieve even more electrical energy, except only from the energy feedback.
You do not have to load a plug – in – hybrids
If you want to drive it on petrol only
Okay, thanks for the answer!
But you can also use the electric motor, then you have to recharge it.
You might want to do something more with Hybrid before you buy something.
You have to recharge a plug-in hybrid to enjoy your full Knoff-Hoff.