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Was ist der Zusammenhang von Bau und Funktion der Arterien und der Venen?
At a DM, not the bones are broken, but the muscles. There is probably an EMG and the muscles are tested. As often as the doctor does, you have to leave him. Actually, you have a diagnosis and take medication. It doesn’t have to be an expensive investigation.
Why doesn’t there have to be an investigation?
And why do I have to leave it to him, how often does he do that?
Can I address the doctor what examinations stand like e.g. liver / kidney ultrasound?
As part of a abdomen sono, the kidneys and the liver are sounded. With appropriate indication, the doctor passes the sono.
You can’t tell the doctor what to do. You can talk to him, that’s okay. Questions don’t cost anything.
If necessary, he should do so.
Why would he do that if it is necessary?
Well, because then he can “see” what’s going on.
An MRI is carried out in radiological institutes.
And does the rheumatologist make MRT in patients?
You can also make pictures using MRT.
And can he see what’s going on without ultrasound?
Only if it is medically necessary, otherwise not.
Why does the rheumatologist only make an ultrasound when it is medically required?
Is it medically necessary to carry out joint ultrasound in dermatomyositis? Does rheumatologist in dermatomyositis have a joint ultrasound?
Because an ultrasound examination costs money and the health insurance does not pay for unnecessary investigations.
You have to ask the rheumatologist who knows more about it than I do.
Only when it comes to him
Why only if he gets anything? When will it bring him to make a joint ultrasound?
Because it costs money!