Muss das Bio sein?

Hallo. Wenn ich mir Gurke und Limetten in eine Wasserkaraffe mache um einen Liter Gurken Limetten Wasser zu trinken dürfen das ( normale Gurken und Limetten) sein oder muss es die Bio Variante davon sein? Weil die nicht Bio vlt beim Trinken irgendwie Gesundheitsschädlich sind?

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10 months ago

If it’s conventional limes, you should remove the shell before you clean it. The shell of non-bio products often contains residues of pesticides which are suspected of being harmful to health.

10 months ago

The limes do not necessarily need to be organic, but must be absolutely untreated.

Pest control agents for citrus fruits are highly unhealthy. A organic cucumber is only insignificantly more expensive than a normal cucumber..

I almost only buy organic fruits and vegetables.