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Yes will come
Poor Germany, right!
Not only Germany…
No, I’m sure that’s not the police’s task. Private security companies may be involved.
Such Securitas were already present in the Köllner swimming pool, and yet the police had to be called. And in addition, criminals and rackets feel only provoked by (smooth) near-combat machines.
Didn’t the police take her?
Why isn’t a house ban enough? Why do you have to run here?
Also arical teutsche boys pushed arical teutsche girls in the 1930s from the 10 meter jumping tower, if I can scandalize now.
House ban and ready.
Should the Majorcan police protect the Palma beach from aggresive Germans who sometimes behave completely next to it?
What about?!
If so many would say a Mallorquiner What ahout, then…
Right harmless ballerman party. Compare them with real bandits.
Have you been there in 1930?
Conclusion of the “terrorist” vandale attacks – the staff feels comprehensibly overloaded / overloaded and subsequently reports sick.
The Columbiabad in Neukölln was closed and cleared early on the early Sunday evening. The reason was that young people were confronted with the workers of the bath and the staff of the safety service, as stated by the bath operator on Monday.
If the question arises in the medium to long term – how long can citizens still be offered visits to such leisure facilities to date – because the taxpayers needed for this must also come from somewhere ….
it definitely needs more protection in the free baths
Protection against what violence?
of violence from foreign countries
So racist German haters usually?
Rather, the outdoor pools are closed.
… in the best Germany of all times according to Mr Steinmeier
No, in the beach swimming pool Lübars everything goes very well.