Open a music store?
Hello, I'm 17 years old, graduating from high school next year, and currently thinking about my future. It's been a long-time dream of mine to open my own music store. I just have a few questions… What kind of training do I need for this? And how do I even get it started?
A solid commercial training would be helpful. Best also experience in retail and if possible in a music business.
And you should bring a lot of money and optimism. I don’t know any music business that would be really good. The time for music business is simply over in times of streaming.
First a question of the location.
Is there any (regular) need to be expected?
Then a calculating task:
Your revenue minus:
Shop rental warm
Material insert
possibly. Salaries of employees
Insurance, otherwise. Expenditure
and then what remains is enough for life, to make reserves, for investment and retirement…?
I’m afraid I know more former business than new business…
The internet market is huge and works with very low costs compared to a “store”.
A beautiful idea – but certainly a venture.
Music retailers are their own training. At least in Germany.
However, it is a series of shops, because online trading makes everything
I’m inconsistent with what’s meant by “music business.” A business for playful sound recordings, an instrument trading or an etablissement in which music is played.