Musik über Mikro?
Hallo, ich wollte etwas fragen, und zwar kriege ich es öfters mit dass Leute Musik über ihr Mikrofon abgespielt bekommen und ich frage mich wie. Sie können verschiedenste Copyrighted Songs in guter Qualität über ihr Mikrofon wiedergeben und ich habe mich gefragt ob ich dafür eine externe App brauche oder ob ich dafür einfach eine Einstellung in meiner Musikapp (Deezer) ändern muss. Danke.
For example, this goes with Voicemeeter.
Music in a voicemeeter input, micro in the other. Then choose everything on an output and in Voicemeeter as input.
Thanks for the help. I downloaded the app but don’t understand much of it, I just see something from audio input, but can’t add any music there.
Thanks again, I just need to know how to play the music now.
I just saw you need to mind. Voice meteor Banana (some other version, same download page).
Got a picture on top.
Here’s the explanation:
The 1 is your hardware input, here you select your microphone.
Then you have to activate the B1 output for the hardware input (2). This then sends your microphone signal to the virtual B1 output.
At the 3 is your virtual entrance, then the music comes in. So that the music comes in, you need to send the sound of the Deezer program to the virtual input. To do this, in Windows, you go to the sound settings and then down to the “App load and device settings” and select the Voicemeeter input for output.
In Voicemeeter, you then activate the B1 for virtual input, so that the music also goes to virtual output (3).
Number 4, this is your virtual output. So the sound goes bundled to Discord.
In Discord, you only have to select “Voicemeeter Out B1” as your input device.
It’s really easy to describe.
Just play in Deezer??