Musik bei Trauerfeier?
Guten Tag, mein Vater wird demnächst beerdigt. Er kommt gebürtig aus Portugal. Gibt es dort bei Trauerfeiern eine bestimmte musik die man spielt? Oder hat jemand generell Ideen welche musik ich spielen lassen soll? Bin da echt überfragt. Danke für ideen
Hello, my sincere condolences first.I don’t have to think about it yet.
As a song you can take songs that he has heard or which she has always heard together so I would at least make that
My sincere condolences. Losing his father must be really hard.
Just play songs he liked to hear. Whatever. It doesn’t have to be suspicious. It’s hard rock. Prohibiting is nothing. It can be nice to remember him again. At my grandpa, we heard “Amazing Grace” that he liked very much. My father has already suggested songs that we should play if we have to say goodbye to him.
All good and much strength to you!
Greetings, Lemon273!