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6 months ago

I could largely identify the darker coin.

This is a 3 Kreuzer coin with the image of Leopold I from Habsburg

He was the ruler over half Europe from 1655 to 1705. Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, King of Hungary, Bohemia, Slavonia and Croatia.

Accordingly, coins were coined with its image in its entire domain. The embossing sites can usually be seen at the coinmark on the back of the coin, where I now lack the image.

On the basis of the front and the fact that the 3 (stands for 3 crosses) is quite far below and not further left, it suggests that it was embossed in Slovakia in the Kremnica mint site by 1665 to 1666.

It is made of silver and weighs approx. 2 g.

The silver value is insignificant and the degree of preservation is poor. The reverse is unknown and so I give it just a value of 10-15 euros.

I would have to look for the other coin in my catalogues and if necessary I can submit it. I suspect that it is an image of Emperor Ferdinand, but I still have to look.

I will then edit my post.

5 months ago
Reply to  SondelLuca

Moin very special.

I haven’t found anything yet.

I can always go on researching my coin catalogues.

If I assume that it comes from the same time and area as the other, then this is about 1000 pages with pictures that I have to browse to compare similarities.

If I don’t find it, it’ll be hard.

But the overall picture of this coin seems to go in the direction.

5 months ago

I just looked at myself and the question was already answered by others. Whether it’s a pin or token, I don’t know, but it’s a promotional article by Continental and totally worthless. Sorry about this

6 months ago

I didn’t find anything on the Internet.

Doesn’t make me wonder, it’s not much or much. nothing to see.

6 months ago
Reply to  Margita1881

Well, Sondelfund. It’s hard to see.

But he could have photographed the back.