mündlich 2 schriftlich 3 welche note im zeugnis?
ich bin in der 10. Klasse und wollte meine Note in Mathe ausrechnen.
In Mathe zählt ja mündlich und schriftlich jeweils 50%. Ich habe in schriftlich eine 3 und mündlich eine 2. Also ich stehe auf 2-3. Was denkt ihr, dass ich im Zeugnis bekomme? Wenn ich das ausgerechnet habe, kommt 2,5 aber ich weiß nicht, ob das eher ein 2- ist oder 3+.
Bitte antwortet 🙏🏻
As you calculate mathematically – not your – maths, but that of the teacher, you will know: add all individual notes and share them with the number of notes. If the written and oral are equally weighted, you do not even have to determine them separately.
And if you stand exactly between two and three, it is at the discretion of the teacher, which overall score he gives you. Again: He writes the notes, not you, and so are his.
To remember, the school year is not over yet and your teacher will paint some numbers among your achievements. All you’re expecting is an interim result for which you can’t buy anything.
Greeting Matti
One 2.5 is a 2.5, no 2 (=2-25) and no 3+ (=2.75).
What your teacher gives you is usually the result of an additional consideration. With a good participation in class, you could at least set a trend towards 2.
But often the note is also denounced with other teachers. If you are also on x.5 in another compartment, it is common that you get the better in one compartment and the worse note in the other.
If Mathe is particularly important because you want to apply for a “mathematical” job with the intermediate certificate, just mention it to your teacher…
So I would say 2 or 3+ but think 2