Mundgeruch nach langer Bus fahrt?
Hi ich habe das Problem dass ich sehr Mundgeruch habe.
jeden Morgen putze ich mir mit meiner elektrischen Zahnbürste min 5 min. die Zähne aber wenn ich nach ein einhalb Stunden Busfahrt in der Schule ankomme habe ich immer Mundgeruch.
Als ich meine Zähne mit einer normalen Zahnbürste geputzt habe war es nicht so schlimm.
immer wenn ich mit jemanden rede habe ich Angst das der jenige sich denkt was ich für einen Mundgeruch habe.
und vorallem habe ich Angst wenn ich irgentwann eine Freundin habe das sie das gleiche denkt.
In most cases, oral odor is disturbances in the mouth and throat area – and not as often assumed – due to stomach problems.
often leads a lack of oral hygiene or false oral hygiene, because food remains are not carefully removed and these then begin to decompose into the intermediary spaces. This is why it is urgently necessary, tooth silk and possibly. to use interdental brushes.
You can even check the greenness of your oral hygiene by using dental color tablets. These make existing dental pads visible so you can see exactly if and where your vulnerabilities are when brushing teeth. These are available in pharmacies or drugstore markets. If you have cleaned your teeth optimally, you will not see any discolorations on your teeth.
My tip, go first to the ZA, let the teeth clean, remove the tooth and control your oral hygiene and, if necessary, explain how to properly care for your teeth; if everything is OK, then look for your physician.
How to clean properly with the electric toothbrush! [Zahnarzttipp]
Thanks for the star :-))
The causes for oral odor are diverse. Talk to your dentist.
The one has nothing to do with the other, the bus does not make sure that you get mouth odor, the same problem will probably also give it with a normal toothbrush only you have not noticed before.
In such cases, give extra mouthwater what you can get from the pharmacy.
You could chew sugar-free chewing gum with mint taste and take mouthwater
Lutsch fischermanns friends pastillen is also the only thing that helps me
How do you know you have a mouth odor?
such can come from the digestion, from the lung, neck/noise, tongue, oral cavity or from the teeth