Multitool auf Reise mitnehmen?
Hallo an alle, ich bin bald auf einer Busreise nach Norwegen,Schweden und Finnland.
nun habe ich mich gefragt ob ich problemlos mein Multitool (Leatherman Rebar) mitnehmen kann? Ich fahre außerdem noch mit mehreren Fähren.
In the Nordic countries this counts legally as a knife. Knives can be carried along if you can prove the need. This applies not only to the entry, the introduction of knives into the public is only allowed if the knife is required for a comprehensible purpose. The rules have been tightened up in Sweden last year, when one of the police is caught by a stupid coincidence with a knife in the public, this can lead to an unfortunate criminal order. Recently, a craftsman had a carpet knife lying in the car, but was travelling privately. It cost SEK 10,000. The tool is seized and destroyed in the case.
Then the knife should be justified as part of a real outdoor trip, rather not on a bus trip. That’s how it would shine.
That depends on what you’re doing at the destination.
But a law can hardly be applied to you if it builds on the intention as an act. Because it’s not really detectable to you.
If so, there are normally no checks on the bus whether people have weapons and not on ferries. A lighter and cigarettes could be easily taken along, then you can also take a multitool with you