MTB nach Regenfahrt richtig trocken?

Hey Leuts, habe ein relativ neues MTB, möchte es dementsprechend auch richtig pflegen… wie kann ich es richtig nach ner Fahrt im Regen trocknen? Mache mir Sorgen dass Gabel etc. rosten und es schneller verschleißt… :/ Danke im Vorraus ✌️

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2 years ago

It dries by itself.

Make me worry that fork etc. rusted and it wears faster… :/

Where fat is, as is known, there is no water. Correctly lubricated parts are therefore not rusted. If your feather fork rusts due to rainy rides, the mistake is more likely to be maintenance-free.

The higher wear during rainy rides is due to the fact that the water is flooding dust and other dirt beautifully into all ridges, where the stuff then acts like grinding paste. Therefore it is actually recommended to use the bike after a rainy ride clean to do.

2 years ago

No bullshit, you’re totally unnecessary.

What is detrimental to bicycles when the flowing rain whips with 130 Km/h against spring fork, lowerable saddle support, pedal bearing, hubs, control kit (low head bearing). The water comes in, but not out again.

Rusts can actually be the standpipes of the fork if they do not get a nourishing oil, they are actually made of steel (high quality forks usually have hard anodized 7075 T-6 aluminum pipes).

Steel standpipes are usually hard chrome-plated or, in some cases, also nickel-plated in trekking springs and can actually get grate pickles when completely neglected and by stray salt. This is fatal, however, because these grate picks are very rough, cannot be polished away and the dust seals/simmer rings are broken.

After each ride care oil such as Brunox on the standpipes protects quite well, the upper pipe areas that are not reached by the dust seals during springing-in can also be protected very well with KFZ-Hohlram sealing wax spray.

KFZ hollow brick spray can be used to protect all lacquered and metallically bare surfaces on which no sliding or braking movement is located, in particular for the protection of hexagon socket screw heads such as those of the front structure, the saddle support, pedal axes and hexagon, in which water can be amazed and provides flying grate.

The prefabricated/lower connection point can also be sealed without disassembly with cavity sealing wax, which in this case is not cosmetic but actively increases safety.

Because the thin anodization (the so-called “electrotoxication”) of the handlebar is partially removed by elastic micro-movements of the handlebar under a high load (e.g. in the Wiegetritt).

Alu-Lenker, fatally just the especially high-quality from the copper-containing alloys 2014 T-6 and 7075 T-6 are very sensitive to aggressive media such as body welding and stray salt.

As a result, hole corrosion can occur, poison for the thin-walled, ultra-light alminium “threads”. Sudden steering breaks are then not to be closed in the long term.

Here our KFZ cavity sealing wax works miracles, when applied it crawls blubbering into all ridges and forms a solid, dense layer after a few days.

Nonetheless, and this is particularly important, aluminum lenses should be replaced prophylactically after 5 years of intensive use, as well as after falls when they have visible fall damage.

Do not use a bicycle swim wax, the stuff is OVERVIEW NOT!!! And regardless of the manufacturer, even SONAX does not. The bicycle spray waxes contain hardly any solvents, but they do not crawl well.

2 years ago
Reply to  mang0s

Very much. Can I miss their star for the most helpful answer if you like.

2 years ago

Dried all by itself.