MTB Enduro zusammenstellen?

Hallo, zuallererst ich fahre aktuell ein Stitched 360 von Canyon.

Um zu meiner Frage zu kommen:

Ich würde mir gerne ein Fully (am besten Enduro, da ich nicht so der Downhill Fahrer bin) zulegen. Nun suche ich eine Möglichkeit, mir selber eins zusammenzustellen. Gibt es dafür Website, die einem sagen kann, welche teile mit welchen kompatibel sind. So ähnlich wie bei Alternate und Computern?

Werkzeug und eine Werkstatt hätte ich auch.

Oder sollte ich mir doch einfach ein fertiges kaufen.

Mein Budget liegt bei ca. 3000-4000 € ich denke damit kann man schon was gutes machen.

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2 years ago

For example, in Propain you can adjust the configuration of your bike.

Generally, the “parts individually buy together and build a bike” does not make any sense financially. You pay for 50% surcharge for an equivalent bike.

You’re coming clearly cheaper away when you buy a complete bike that is as close as possible to your preferences, and then replace 1-2 components with your desired components. Because there are still enormous waiting times for many popular components and not few buyers immediately what needs/will, for “newly disassembled” parts on the used market, really good prices can be achieved.

There is a website that can tell you which parts are compatible with. Similar to aging and computers?

Not that I know. It would also be difficult because there are so many models and mounting points, saddle support diameters or the like can also change in small model care. And then, because of the above-mentioned price difference, the number of bikes that meet completely individually is so small that they have no relevance on the market.

Where someone who has enough knowledge to build a bike should normally also be able to read product descriptions and see what fits together and what does not. If you have set yourself on a frame, it becomes clear.