MSCI World oder doch Europa oder ThemenETFs?

Durch einen hohen Anteil an MSCI World in meinen Portfolio habe ich einen Anteil von 50 % in Nordamerika. Sollte ich trotzdem MSCI World aufstocken oder auch etwas in Europa ETFs stecken (die noch gar nicht bei mir vertreten sind). Oder sollte ich vielleicht auch etwas in Themen ETfs stecken (wie Kreislaufwirtschaft oder Dividenden,…)

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1 year ago

As US companies such as Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Coca Cola, etc. earn their money around the world, I think they are already relatively well diversified. 50% US share in the portfolio would not disturb me personally, with me it is almost 90%.

1 year ago

Basically, I do not think of topics ETF because they are simply connected with speculation and are not sufficiently diversified.

I personally find 70% in MSCI World and 30% in EM good. If you want, you can still get Europe in. Because I’m right rebalancing-faul I have an All-World ETF.

1 year ago
Reply to  Eisbaer17777

Yes, the USA is strongly represented in the World, but that also has its reason. Through the emerging economies and ggb. However, I think Europe ETF is completely okay. Then the proportion of the USA is much less.

1 year ago

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