MSA Thema Frage Zweiter Weltkrieg?

Hallo mein Partner und ich wollen unsere mündliche Prüfung für den MSA in Politik oder Geschichte zum Thema Zweiter Weltkrieg/Nachkriegszeit halten, wissen aber noch nicht das genaue Thema bzw die Fragestellung. Hätte irgendwer eine Idee für das genaue Thema oder die Fragestellung?

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5 months ago

Please, look for something.

What role did the Versailler Treaty play in the creation of the Second World War?

How did the Western powers’ appeasement policy contribute to the outbreak of war?

What role did German expansionism play under Hitler?

A revolutionary warfare or a straw fire?

What factors led to the defeat of Germany?

How could the Shoah happen in Europe?

How did the NS propaganda work?

How did propaganda influence people’s thinking and acting?

How did the victorious design the postwar order in Germany?

What were the challenges Germany had to face during reconstruction?

The Marshall Plan, Blessing or Curse for Germany?

How was the division of Germany?

What impact did the Cold War have on Germany?

LG from Tel Aviv

5 months ago

Ask a question about the attitude Churchills 1940 and his blood and tears speech.

For example, why did Churchill not embellished the situation, but the British population enraged on hard times?