MRT Hals – Sieht man auch den Rachen?

Habe bald ein MRT Hals. Meine Beschwerden sind aber eher im Bereich Nasenrachen, Mandel, Zunge. Sind diese Bereiche da noch mit drauf? Hatte jemand vielleicht schonmal eines und hat Erfahrung?

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7 months ago


Definitely tell how far the complaints are going.

Theoretically, an HWT starts up the neck softener MRI at the level of the cracking palate, all about it would be NNH or face skull.

However, if doctors and staff know that the complaints start somewhat higher, it should also be possible to extend the examination area somewhat upwards.

It is also important that you do not swallow during the measurements in order not to produce any type of movement in the images. And of course the tongue does not move.

Good luck.

7 months ago


Both neck cysts, neck trauma, good and malignant tumors and also enlarged lymph nodes can be visually represented by the MRI.,the%20MRT%20Picture%20.

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