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1 year ago

The doctor who commissioned it is required to explain the MRT. So make an appointment there and let you explain everything.

1 year ago


short and flush:

There is essentially no increase compared to the previous investigation from November 2023.

Light liquid at LWK 1 to 3 in the region of the end surfaces of the vertebral body. A romanus dimension is understood as an early sign of an inflammatory change in the region of the vertebral edges, here in the region of the 1st. Lend vertebral body – judge the report not unknown.

No disc incident, no narrowing or closing of the spinal channel.

Best regards

1 year ago

Promise with the doctor who sent you to the MRI! He knows.

Here everyone can tell you his interpretation – nothing has to vote!

1 year ago
Reply to  Martin130980

Yeah, I do. But you don’t have what if I tell you now that you’re standing just before death, that you have cancer, that your leg is broken three times, your brain is dead halfway and the pimps that aren’t here will explode tomorrow.

It’s all thought out. Did you notice?

Get down! Relax. You’re innocent until the conversation took place. As long as you just live on relaxed. GAR doesn’t use anything if you’re crazy now. Just so that the doctor then says “it’s all right.” I’ve seen!

And even if there is a finding: Then you and the doctor can still react and take action. You never have to panic!

I wish you all the best!

1 year ago

Usually your doctor tells you