Mpu wegen Fahren mit Thc?

Ich wurde am 11.02.2022 von der Polizei mit dem Auto angehalten und musste einen Bluttest machen der Positiv auf Thc war. Muss meinen Führerschein für 1 Monat abgeben. Dann habe ich am 01.06.2022 einen Brief erhalten indem mir angeordnet wurde die Beibringung eines Medizinisch-Psychologischen Gutachtens einer amtlich anerkannten Begutachtungsstelle für Fahreignung bis zum 01.09.22 . Was muss ich jetzt genau machen?

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2 years ago

What do I have to do right now?

You need proof of abstinence of at least 6 months you have to perform in advance. Since a MPU was imposed on you directly, and no longer in advance, go I of the fact that you had very high values and in your case you need 12 months…

You don’t have to start without proof of abstinence.

Furthermore, you should look for technical help (transverse psychologists) in preparation so that you first know what it’s all about in an MPU – unprepared you will fall through.

Since you have the usual period of 3 months to submit an opinion, and thus only until 1.9., you will not be able to provide the evidence in a timely manner, therefore a good-meaning advice: volunteer your FS at the end of the deadline, so you at least save the costs of withdrawal. Prepare for yourself in peace with the MPU and then make a new application for the driving permit. If you get the MPU, you’ll get a new FS.

If you’re still in the trial period, you’ll get a setup seminar for drug-prone starters and the trial period will be extended by 2 years.

If you have set the ciff, you can start with the abstinence evidence, this is done with urine samples. The urine is released in a certified laboratory under visual control. This means at least. 6 spontaneous orders within 12 months. However, you can also make 2 hair analyses at a distance of 6 months, but here the hair must be at least. 6 cm long and above all “clean”.

Be sure to be +/- 1 year without FS and try again. Organize rides if you have any bad bus/train connections….

By the way, you can’t choose the expert “free” later, but only the institute where you will make your MPU… 😉

Good luck!

2 years ago
Reply to  Timzx

No, there is no lock in this case, you can do the MPU as soon as you have the necessary abstinence evidence together.

2 years ago
Reply to  Timzx

What do I have to say at the driver’s office if I volunteer my driver’s license?

Good day, my name is Timzx, I was announced the withdrawal of my driving permit, I am here today to volunteer it in advance.

How does it work with the abstinence evidence.

You will get a short result after each ordering date. However, as you conclude a contract with the institute for a certain period of time, you will only receive a detailed certificate after the last screening, which you will also take to the MPU.

2 years ago

It is not the task of FEB to teach you about the need of abstinence evidence, these just want to get a positive opinion submitted by you. How long you should prove the abstinence, for example, you can learn about a traffic psychologist, or you’ll get in touch with a free MPU forum.

But believe me, it’s not about whether: you need proof (you definitely need it), but just how long you should go…

You can go to a drug counseling first, and they can probably help you…

2 years ago

Is it true that until the said day – so don’t wait too long – you can present a corresponding opinion, you can choose the reviewer freely, he just has to be recognized.

2 years ago
Reply to  Timzx

Yes, but the test should be positive for you this time. It’s a little more time to add it.

2 years ago

BGB = BOthergelderb.escheid (sorry, inside abbreviation in the MPU industry)

2 years ago

“he has already been asked for it by BGB” – what does the Civil Code have to do with it?

2 years ago

Sorry for the late answer, I only took note of your contribution now.

If the FS ignores the request or voluntarily surrenders the driver’s license in your response, it will be interpreted as a debt confession,

No, that’s bullshit. Timzx is not in court with the FSSt, it has absolutely nothing to do with a “school confession”. His “death” has long been established, he has already been asked to do so by BGB, this is only about “cost saving” which can be achieved with a voluntary levy of the FS (the withdrawal by the authority is associated with costs).

A MPU without evidence of abstinence would inevitably have a tendency at the present time. As a result – with insight this has absolutely nothing to do – this would simply be unnecessary costs and it would not bring anything. Therefore, again: the voluntary levy of the FS and the collection of the AN before MPU is currently the only way to get to a new FS as inexpensive as possible.

2 years ago

It’s not as simple as that:
If the FS ignores the request or, as suggested in your response, voluntarily surrenders the driver’s license, this will be interpreted as a guilt confession, he knows about hopelessness – and by the way, this is a pragmatic approach, but no answer to the question.

Well-knowing that the money costs, it seemed more sensible to make the MPU, to take note of the result and, if necessary, voluntarily – then you will consider this as an insight – to offer the delivery of the driver’s license. This offer, in turn, is a positive indication of the assessment of the characteristic suitability.

2 years ago


Sorry, but if what you wrote would follow, he would definitely fall through and put a lot of money in the sand…

Please read my post!

2 years ago

No, the report has to be drawn up between today and 1.9. and is available on the 1.9. of the driving licence – on the 1.9. there is no investigation.

2 years ago

What do I have to do right now?

Watch that you get a positive MPU.