Mpu wegen Cannabis, während der zeit alkohlkonsum erlaubt?

Hallo zusammen, wollte mal fragen wie es aussieht wenn man zur mpu muss wegen cannabis und denn dazu gehörigen Urinproben.

Ist es dann erlaubt trotzdem weiterhin sich abends ein bier zu gönnen?

Die mpu ist ausschließlich wegen cannabis verlangt wurden.

Danke im voraus

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1 year ago

Do you not spend time on successful completion of the MPU without “replacement” for cannabis?
What would you answer if the psychologist asks you if you drink beer – and if so, how often? Can you lie well?

I’d let it be. Wait for the result of the MPU and then you can still develop a plan that allows occasional cannabis smoking and participation in public transport.

1 year ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

You pretend a beer is already a problem. Many drink a beer from time to time

1 year ago
Reply to  Nickname0101

And my answer is: don’t give up until the matter doesn’t have any disadvantages.
How about alcohol-free beer?
Then you wouldn’t turn red if you were holed by the psychologist for (D) drinking behavior with a legal drug – alcohol.

1 year ago

In the evening, sure. This is certainly no longer detectable in the urine sample.