Movie Park oder Phantasialand Wintertraum?

Hallo, meine Teenager Tochter möchte gerne in einer der beiden Parks zu den Weihnachtsveranstaltungen.
War jemand schon auf beiden und kann was dazu sagen? Die Mädels wollen gerne auch schnelle Achterbahnen fahren. Haben in beiden Parks auch „Teenager-gerechte-verrückte“ Achterbahnen auf?

Im Internet finde ich mehr im Phantasialand aber Movie Park klingt i wie cooler 😅

Danke für eure Antworten

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4 months ago

Phantasialand has more “Thrillcoasters” that are fast, for this it is always very full and cheesy for winter.

MoviePark is the more relaxed way. This is about American Christmas and not about winter in general. There are all Thrillcoasters out of Iron Claw. However, may vary due to temperatures.

In general, I find MoviePark much more appealing because it is simply more relaxed and colorful.

Finally, you need to know where. If I decided, I would rather go to MoviePark

4 months ago

The winter dream in Phantasialand must be experienced.

At this time the park is more beautiful than normal, especially with the daily fireworks.

At the moment there are also promotion tickets for the Phantasialand.

3 months ago

I’d recommend the Movie Park. I was very disappointed by the Phantasialand. The Movie Park was beautiful.

4 months ago

At Christmas I was not in the parks yet in general I would say that in the Movie Park more “show” (e.g. parades) is made, where in Phantasialand there is generally a good atmosphere and the better roller coasters are there.