Motorschaden wegen zu wenig Öl im Auto?
Vor 3 Wochen ist mir während der Fahrt die Orangene Öllampe angegangen. Dann bin ich ca 20km bis zur nächsten Tankstelle gefahren, und habe 1 Liter Motoröl aufgefüllt. Jetzt 3 Wochen später musste ich wieder einen halben Liter Öl nachfüllen, obwohl ich in diesen 3 Wochen höchstens 50km gefahren bin. Kann es sein das ich einen Motorschaden durch den niedrigen Ölstand erhalten habe? Mein Auto verliert auch kein Öl, haben des durchgeschaut und alles war trocken. Und auf der Straße war auch nichts.
Hi, I don’t think a motor damage is due to the too low oil level.
If it is so low that the oil pressure is no longer sufficient, then normally the red lamp starts with the oil box. Sometimes it’s too late.
If the oil level at Max is now, keep an eye on it again, if oil is missing again soon, you have to go to the workshop.
Somewhere the oil would have to go. If there’s no truck under the car, he can only burn it.
If the car burned to 50 km of significant oil, it would have to run like sour.
If the oil is clearly gone, only 2 options remain:
The engine is oil-tight and loses it to the outside or presses it into the cooling circuit.
The engine burns the engine oil.
In both cases, you should go to the workshop or to a screwdriver with appropriate competence and have it checked.
Attempts for such damage to always obtain several offers from different workshops. It would even sometimes be better if you were using comparison portals. But it also looks that you Oil consumption by motor damage? Problems have Or also portals that make purchases of motor damage (such as motor damages sell on Google write) Your engine consumes a lot of oil (Maybe VW, Skoda or Seat?)
If you give me more accurate data, I can try to help you.
probably the last replenishment of the one liter has not been enough. Now you have made a reasonable control. If he’s the minimum after two weeks, you have a problem. I assume that last time you just retonned the liter and good.
If your car does not lose oil, it can be that the oil runs into the cylinders and is burned there. Are you getting smoked from your exhaust?
I would recommend you to fill in the oil level before and after oil …
I did today. Before filling the oil level was minimal after the 0.5 liters it is almost at maximum
You also know that the oil lamp is not an oil level indicator?
Normal… then I guess that was previously so empty that you just came to a minimum despite a liter of oil and that is already hitting again., in your place I would measure the oil level once 2-3x a week – and not wonder if there is now MORE in there, if you measured directly after filling, the oil still drops..
and see if there is a water-oil mixture in there
Since I don’t have holes in my hands and I don’t have any grass growing out of my pocket, I have to tell you I don’t know!
But a motor damage is to be excluded, isn’t it?