Engine failure, no compression, Ford Puma bj2001, can this not be repaired, can someone explain to me… Does the engine need to be replaced?

Help question goes without saying… I think… SOS.

LG thanks in advance

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1 year ago

No one can tell you here and also comes to the residual value, so if the car is from 2001, and it’s also dry, then a repair will no longer be worth it.

If he’s still standing out of the egg, a replacement engine might be worth it.

The problem is, there are two types of replacement engines:

Tested and overhauled (are very expensive)

Untested of scrap (probably but risky).

30 years ago, I had built a motor of scrap for my then VW Polo X86 and it was really great – the scrapie even swapped me the engine for narrow money at that time – I think that was then insidious around the 300 Mark.

They don’t do anything like that in a regular workshop.

In a normal workshop you don’t go under 3000,- out today

1 year ago

The Puma is an old cart without a chance of classic status. With engine damage, you can scrape the part if you assume that you have lost the rest of the car just like the engine.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat2022

No oil, no water. When was the last time you opened the hood?

1 year ago


He failed on the whole line. With such an old car, I look under the hood at least once a month and always have oil to refill.

1 year ago

Depends on the damage whether it is to be repaired or not.

But in today’s hourly rates a repair is usually not economically worthwhile.

Hobby screwdrivers would possibly install a used motor from a slaughtered vehicle but this is also very expensive in a regular workshop because time intensive

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat2022

Expansion of the defective engine about 4 hours.

Expansion of the good motor about 4 hours.

Installation of the good motor about 5 hours.

Then adjust and other work again about 2 hours

Care of a slaughter vehicle also comes to

With a bit of luck there is a built-in motor in the carverwer

But all this is a very rough estimate

1 year ago

Purely theoretically you can repair any motor damage or exchange the engine, but this is not really worthwhile in the car

1 year ago

You should know what the exact damage is. But count that the engine has reached its end. In addition, the BJ will be a total economic damage

1 year ago
Reply to  Cat2022

Motor scrap. Just