Motorradhelm mit getönten Visier?
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin momentan am überlegen mir ein getöntes Visier für meinen Helm zu kaufen. Um ehrlich zu sein, einfach nur für die Optik. Deswegen würde mich mal interessieren, wie ihr zu getönten Visieren steht. Gerade auch weil die meisten, wenn nicht sogar alle getönten und verspiegelten Visiere keine E-Nummer besitzen und man dadurch vielleicht bei einen Unfall Stress mit der Versicherung/Polizei bekommen kann. Wie steht ihr dazu und würdet ihr mir den Kauf empfehlen?
(Begründet gerne eure Meinung dazu)
Beste Grüße
Apart from the fact that you can’t drive with a tinted visor at all from dusk, a tinted visor is a bad choice.
You will still have the experience that you “stop” with friends or at the motorcycle meeting longer than you originally planned and that you will then, on the return journey in dusk or even darkness, and will then wonder how little you will see….
I’ve been driving a few years, but after the first attempt with a tinted visor, I left my fingers off….
Instead, I got a high-quality sunglasses I put on when I need them and put them down again if I don’t need them anymore.
But I haven’t seen anyone who changes his visor when the dusk broke.
Okay, if you’re absolutely sure that you’re driving only in the bright sunshine and back in the light, get a tinted visor but if you want to drive safely under all visibility, then better not.
You have to decide.
I’ve been driving with tinted/reflected visors for years and I don’t want to miss it anymore. However, you should be aware that you do not see megr adequately in dusk or darkness, so you need to have a clear replacement visa,
That problem is as soon as it gets dark you can nix more there are also helmets with a normal visir and with eztra visir that you can then fold up so a normal and a tinted in a helmet
With my helmet I don’t like the integrated tinted. This is too short and then you have always tinted this interface / not tinted in the middle of the field of view. You should pay attention to this when buying!!!