Motorradführerschein als Geschenk?

Mein Neffe möchte seinem Vater den Motorradführerschein inklusive Motorrad zum Geburtstag schenken. Er hat es so geplant: Er kommt am Geburtstag mit Anhänger, das Motorrad ist das Traummotorrad meines Bruder (Yamaha R1). Dann wird er überrascht. Die Frage lautet: Wird die Bank einer Finanzierung zustimmen und wie läuft die Anmeldung des Bikes ? Er verdient 1300€ im Nebenjob und die Maschine kostet 300€ monatlich. Die laufenden Kosten übernimmt selbstverständlich mein Bruder.

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3 years ago

That’s a nice gesture, but it won’t be financed at the low salary of your nephew. No bank will get involved.

In my opinion, your brother as a starter with the R1 is also completely overwhelmed. He should first learn to drive motorbike properly before he sits on such a difficult to control bullet. However, this is only my opinion and not binding. There should have been people who started with a S1000r or ZH2.

However, at the typical motorcycle spots or even during driving trainings, this caused the other riders to experience unnecessarily.

3 years ago
Reply to  WECoyote

Absolutely right. We also always talk about colleagues with the 34 PS Heritage Softtail 😉

3 years ago
Reply to  ntech

During a driving safety training a starter with ner S1000RR appeared. He got them because his well-experienced mates also had this model. He didn’t get right at all and made himself absolutely ridiculous. Nothing is worse than the driver of PS-strong machines that do not control these parts.

The guy could be really sorry. He wanted to improve, so the FST, but the machine was absolutely unsuitable for him.

That is why I do not judge my advice on my preferences, but on the needs of the seeker.

You can always see motorcyclists who are looking for inappropriate bikes and tormenting themselves through the area because they were simply misconducted or the look was more important than anything else.

3 years ago
Reply to  WECoyote

Supplement: As a father, I wouldn’t want my son to spend his hard money on me.

He should use it to build his own future and fulfil wishes.

This is also the case for generational contracts.

3 years ago
Reply to  WECoyote


3 years ago

Then she is probably a worthy granddaughter of “Frankenstein’s daughter”

3 years ago

The Z can cruise both quietly and comfortably through the area or let it crash properly on the race track. I love my edifying wool milk sow. > 50,000km since 2017 speak for themselves.

3 years ago

It’s a rocket! That’s my end!

3 years ago

I have the “new” Z900 right now.

3 years ago

The Z400 was close. It is a Z750 LTD Twin. Last month became 41:-)

3 years ago

Even on the race track, as Otto-Normal drivers with ner R1 were completely overpowered.

I’ve been driving 200hp machines. It’s been fun and it’s going to stroke my ego, but they’d be totally underwhelmed on the road and I’m always in the border.

Ne Z400 could give me a lot of fun here in the middle mountains. You can turn it up completely, and you can keep it on the 1000s.

3 years ago

It also depends on what you want to do: I want to cruise well maintained on the country roads, what should I do with a lot of performance? Really “used” I’ve never used 50 hp, a bit of torque from the basement and good!

3 years ago

I have much more, only I know very well that less would have been enough.

The correct driver also manages to pull off motorized bikers with 50hp. You must be able to nix to be fast on the straight line, the curve speed makes the grain.

It’s always annoying when the guys with the many hp are standing in the way.

3 years ago

And you’re right! I know very well why 50 horses are enough for me.

3 years ago

Oh, that’s gonna work out, and it’s also the ideal beginners bike.