Ich werd bald mein Motorradführerschein machen, bin aber noch 15 (Also A1). Ich hab ziemlich Angst irgendwas beim fahren falsch zu machen, weil ich offensichtlich noch keine Erfahrung hab. Muss man da irgendwas unbedingt wissen und auf was sollte man achten?
No Master has fallen from heaven. Just stick to your instructor’s instructions and everything will be fine.
I had also made the motorcycle driver’s license without any previous experience and passed it without problems during the first time.
You’ll learn to drive right until you drive yourself. For this reason, I can only guess a few months after driving safety training.
Most of the riders sit on a motorcycle for the first time in the first hour. Don’t panic, others have done that.
The driving instructor will inform you and I had no previous experience. But I was nervous in every driving hour and that’s what you’re doing.
It’ll teach you all your driving instructors, so the driving school is there.