Motorradfahrer mit Kamera am Helm komisch?
Findet ihr einen Motorradfahrer komisch der eine Kamera (GoPro) am Helm hat ?
Findet ihr einen Motorradfahrer komisch der eine Kamera (GoPro) am Helm hat ?
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Yeah, I think these moving teletubbies are funny. Apart from the fact that a camera on the helmet increases the risk of injury in an accident.
The camera is flying off immediately, if they get a bump from the outside.
Well, and the helmet also has a protective function against flying parts.
Of course, in rare cases, you can fall on the camera’s plastic shards. But this is as rare as drivers who are strangled by their own belt.
The holder isn’t. With this, bad forces can act on the HWS.
Yeah, you can do that.
If an aircraft crashes at the same time and strikes (possibly) exactly at the accident site, this also affects the HWS, i.e. so or so;-)
If you slide and if you are a small edge or bitumen strip, the helmet/holding will remain slightly hanging or when you hit the asphalt side, the mount will act as a lever. Both affect the HWS.
So I have my right on the helmet at the level of the jaw joint.
Can’t imagine what kind of body bending is involved in the HWS.
No, there are enough people with Dashcam in the car.
Not really funny, I think. Many motorcyclists today have cameras on the helmet to hold their rides or for safety. In Poland, you can see that often. It’s just a practical thing!
No, that’s an important insurance cover for an accident.
No, why?