Motorrad woher kommt der Sound genau?
Hallo, Ich wüsste mal gerne was genau die cmm mit dem Sound zu tun hat und die Zylinder anzahl. klar ein 1zyl knallt und ein 4zyl hat mehr einen durchgehenden Sound. Aber was ist lauter?
Mein Onkel fährt ne 1300er mit ich glaube einem L Motor (keine Ahnung ob 2 oder 4zyl). Ich fahre eine 650er V2. Meine ist lauter, wir beide haben einen Sportauspuff.
woher kommt der Sound denn nun wenn nicht vom ccm? Sicher ist es immer Individuell was lauter ist, aber vielleicht gibt es ja sowas wie eine Faustformel…hab im großem Internet leider nichts gefunden =)
The sound has much more to do with sound design than with the pure engine capacity and the number of cylinders that naturally also play a role:
We expect a certain sound to match the image of the vehicle and the two-wheeler is just trimmed on it. If a Harley is running-täng-täng-täng (like my scooter), then the buyer escapes. 😉 Of course, if you just want to have it loud, get away with the exhaust. It is not practical, the race management will naturally intervene.
And the frequency of the noise also determines the subjectively perceived volume in humans, see
A Harley will never make Räng-Täng-täng because it is four-stroke
There may seem to have been a slipper: and
see also (but after Harley, she really doesn’t look like her).
Thank you! =) something I’ve been looking for only never found on the Internet
In principle, it works like a drum. The greater the volume the deeper the sound, the faster you get on it the louder.
In the case of the mopped, the greater the gas volume the lower, the faster the pressure wave the louder.
Nicely explained =)
So you’re not a drummer… I cannot support your thesis. Drums can be voices. Even very large membranes are very tunable and you can play as loud as well as very quiet at high speeds. for the motorcycle, however, your comparison would fit. Please don’t generalize your theory!
The acoustics are primarily produced by the number, the arrangement and the ignition sequence of the cylinders.
No, you don’t think much. It comes partly to the exhaust and the DezibelKiller.
I bet my 85ccm is louder. xD
Of course, the engine also plays a role, but you’ve already noticed in your question, so I thought it’s not worth mentioning.
What do you have for a 85? so I drive without killer so I am about at 121db 😀 but ne 85er will probably be ne 1 zyl and the bang or the misignitions are with safety louder =)
KTM 85sx
What misignition xD
Don’t have a DB killer inside. Why do you need this on the Motocross route?!
naja ne 1zyl often has faulty ignitions when you snap up abruptly, or the speed goes up abruptly, e.g. when you switch. In some cases, small stab flames come out in the back. And there’s a claw then. My old 2zyl also had false ignitions, but not so loud…2zyl stop^
And yes, you don’t need a killer on the engine cross, and if you like me 0-100 3.5 sec don’t have on the road, as the police are coming behind