Motorrad Öl noch gut vor 1000er Inspektion?


ich habe mir vor ca 1,5 Monaten ein neues Motorrad gekauft, was nun 1150km runter hat. Leider ist meine 1000er Inspektion erst am 16.08.

Meine Frage ist, da soweit ich weiß ein anderes öl für die ersten 1000km benutzt werden ob es immer noch gut ist um damit noch ein wenig „herumzufahren“.

(Die Werkstatt wo ich angerufen habe meinte selber das es ok ist wenn ich ein paar Kilometer mehr runter habe dennoch nach dem Öl gucken sollte)

Danke für die Hilfe schonmal 🙂

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3 years ago

Motorcycles are supplied with a light-wheeled oil so that possibly a slight motor-metal abrasion is flushed out.

You should take into account the requirements of the manufacturer, in particular the entry rules, because a non-respect may lead to the cancellation of warranty claims.

The first inspection is not a witchcraft, takes about 20 min. This should always be feasible for a new customer in the season to put the date in.

I wouldn’t give anything to the telephone backup, because you won’t remember it when it comes to motor damage.

3 years ago

The 1000 is the most important oil change in the motorcycle. It doesn’t get the engine if you take this change over.

Your warranty claim expires. Ansage my workshop, take over a maximum of 10%.

3 years ago
Reply to  WECoyote

Ktm: Of course these should be adhered to – they are foreseeable. Nonetheless, you can cover up to 1000km. Make an earlyWorkshop appointmentwith us.

3 years ago
Reply to  zocker0796

No, that’s not true! The first inspection, in which the entry oil is changed, must be observed.
In addition, in the case of warranty claims, it is exactly checked whether the intervals were not covered.

3 years ago

If you can do, I wouldn’t recommend. On the first 1000 kilometers, the oil is very dirty and you have a lot of abrasion in it. Well, it doesn’t do the engine forever, it won’t die either.

3 years ago
Reply to  Maybeoffline

The guarantee shall expire if a motor damage occurs now or later.

3 years ago
Reply to  Udavu

Yes is a good argument. Come on. At least, it will be difficult to find out how to apply for a culmination. In the worst case, you can also get problems with the warranty.

3 years ago

Your workshop is right, a few kilometers more do nothing, you just have to control the oil level.

3 years ago
Reply to  syncopcgda


3 years ago
Reply to  Diskblade23

Then start. Don’t worry about Corona, where everyone talks without it, but for measurable things the valid ones can be checked.

3 years ago
Reply to  syncopcgda

It is not about oil levels and oil consumption, but about what is in the oil. 🤦🏻

3 years ago


at 1000KM from the oil change

Otherwise, you’ll hurt your engine as much as if you drive over 6000 rpm in the moment.

3 years ago
Reply to  Diskblade23

Heresy question:

And what happens with the two-strokes where there is no oil that can absorb wear products? They would have to bless the temporary after a short run. Where’s all the abrasion going?

Incidentally, I think that the 1000km limit for four-strokes is an arbitrarily fixed limit which is not based on broad attempts.

3 years ago
Reply to  syncopcgda

They are supplied via petrol

3 years ago

How to the are you going?

3 years ago

Nothing. Cars have intervals of 30,000 kilometers. I don’t know special one-time bikes.

3 years ago
Reply to  zocker0796

What you write is unfortunately completely wrong for motorcycles.

3 years ago
Reply to  WECoyote

Why should the other manufacturing tolerances have than modern cars? What’s going to happen after 2000 kilometers? Additives away? Portability exhausted? Less information . 😄

3 years ago
Reply to  zocker0796


3 years ago

It goes in the oil, which is in the delivery. It comes to abrasion when entering and the oil also has a different consistency. If you use them for longer, damage to the engine occurs.

And, of course, motorcycle engines are loaded completely differently than car engines. There are much higher speeds and the inspection intervals are significantly lower (6,000, 7,500, 10,000, 12,000, 20,000km…).