Motorrad mit Unfallschaden verkaufen?

Ich hatte einen Unfall mit meinem Motorrad (wirtschaftlicher Totalschaden) und möchte dieses jetzt für den Restwert verkaufen, im Zuge des Gutachtens habe ich auch ein Angebot eines Händlers bekommen

Jetzt meine Frage: sind die Angebote von Händler so niedrig wie es nur geht oder kann man da bei Privatverkauf in der Regel mehr bekommen? Hat da jemand Erfahrung?

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8 months ago

You can assume that you will get more money out of 98% of the cases when selling privately than with the dealer.

Unless you pay your motorcycle. Then the dealers can usually do a little more.

One should consider whether it is worth one of the efforts.

That is why it makes sense to get 1-2 offers from traders to look at the market and then decide whether it is worth one of the efforts or not.


8 months ago

Motorcycles with total accident damage are best sold with the addition: ideally suited for stretching. You can also choose to disassemble them and sell them into individual parts.

8 months ago

It is to be assumed that traders make lower prices because they want to sell the part further and want to earn something else. 💸💰

A single buyer buys the motorcycle for himself because he wants to drive it himself. Therefore, you can get a higher amount. 🏍️💨

8 months ago

A dealer pays less because he wants to earn.

8 months ago

Private usually goes more, but an accident damage privately buys as good as no one.