Motorrad mit 125ccm fahren mit Klasse B?
darf ich 125er Maschinen fahren, wenn ich am 22.08.2019 meinen Klasse B Führerschein gemacht habe? Seit Silvester gibt es ja eine neue Regelung in der Thematik. Falls es relevant ist: Muss bis zum 10.03.2020 noch begleitet fahren.
Viele Dank für alle Antworten
MfG Sebastian Lambers
The requirements are:
If you fill this, you can drive a 125.
Because you don’t meet the requirements, you can’t drive 125.
The conditions are:
Minimum age 25
for 5 years driving licence
Driving hours plus theory
Clearly no.
A criterion that must be owned by class B for at least 5 years.
You would also have the second criterion, namely the minimum age of 25 years.
No, you have to be at least 25 and have your license class B 5 years…
For the B SZ 196 you have to be at least 25 years old – which you are probably not as you write from class B but from BF17.
To read: