Motorrad langsam enge Kurven fahren?

Ich bin gerade dabei meinen Motorradführerschein zu machen (A ohne Vorbesitz), hatte inzwischen die 3. Fahrstunde und tu mich noch bisschen schwer, bei engen Kurven und geringer Geschwindigkeit nicht den Lenker einzuknicken.

Bislang fällt es mir schwer, Kurven spitzer zu durchfahren und der Kurvenradius ist noch recht groß.

Darum meine Frage, welche Technik in einem solchen Fall anzuwenden ist, wie zum Beispiel bei einem U-Turn mit wenig Platz zum Wenden.

Lenker Drücken? Oder nur aus der Hüfte? Leicht Gas geben bei gehaltenem Schleifpunkt oder nur durch Standgas?

Oberkörper aufrecht lassen oder mit dem Motorrad mit neigen lassen?

Ich freue mich auf eure Antworten!

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2 years ago

It depends a little bit on the bike. With very slow, narrow curves or turns on the road I would “press”.

(1) Steering is always only done via the handlebar, not with the body weight or somehow from the hip. Usually you press with the inside arm. The elbows are bent far outwards.

(2) As far as possible slide forward (helps you to drive much closer radii) You can even slide a little on the seat to the outer side of the curve.

(3) The outer bend knee must be pressed firmly against the tank. That’s your anchor point to hold you. The handlebar is only steered, but not held. You can also use it directly to load the right footrest.

That’s what it looks like.

(4) If the seat position fits halfway, you need to know that a motorcycle ideally never rolls in the curve. Either you brake or give gas. Rolling makes the wide curve radii and the shaky feeling. Or as you call it, “Bring the handlebar”. With very tight turns, the rear wheel brake can be ground and at the same time minimal gas yield. Because of the stable driving, this is also called “support gas”.

As a starter, you won’t be able to get it all right away. But it doesn’t hurt to know what’s going on. Concretely related to your situation, I would suspect that the following tips will help you the most:

For narrow radii:

  • Use handlebars for steering, nix with “Hüfte”
  • put forward

Against the shaky feeling:

  • Support gas
2 years ago

My driving instructor told me to steer something from my hip, and I didn’t get it right.

I don’t know what he means. But you can’t move a motorcycle over weight shift or the like. Even if you hear that often. No matter what two-wheeler – you’re steering with the handlebar.

It is also often necessary to consider what kind of qualification they have. Often they only have the motorcycle license so that they can practice their profession. Some of them drive private garkein motorcycle. So maybe he has no idea what he’s talking about.

In any case, I will practice it and ask him in the next lesson whether we can practice it again briefly on the practice site.

Good plan. Doesn’t hurt to take an extra ride.

2 years ago

Rather loose on the handlebar and press. Gives a horny book. The right turn.
..I only understood why you drive to the left when you move to the right of the handlebar …

2 years ago

I would like to say:

2 years ago

It is better to press.