Motorrad Hinterreifen rutscht?
Hallo, Ich fahre eine neue Kawasaki Z125 diese hat jetzt um die 3’200km drauf. Wegen eines Nagels im alten Pneu, musste ich den Hinterreifen wechseln. Jetzt haben die einen Continental – Roadattack reifen drauf gemacht. Dieser ruckelt jedoch bei der fahrt und rutscht in den Kurven extremst Ich bin glücklich das ich diese frage noch stellen kann. Was kann ich dagegen unternehmen?
that will be better after a few km
First you control the tire pressure.
New tires have sprayed on a coating which preserves the rubber and its softness during storage. The introduction of new tyres is therefore discussed. At this time you should drive gently and gradually increase the slope.
A little after 300 km of running performance, he’s likely to have run the cover down.
Hi, for once, I have to contradict something. No substance is sprayed onto the tires in order to be able to store them. The smooth surface only comes from the baking mold with a smooth surface or in some manufacturers from the release agent.
You explain it better than me. The fact is that the surface is actually somewhat narrow. My motorcycle dealer even hung up a sign at the checkout, indicating it.
I wish you a nice day.
New tires always drive around 200-300 km and check if the direction of rotation of the tire is correct.