Motorrad Gebrauchtkauf Tipps?
Hallo, ich will mir heute eine Kymco Quannon R125 anschauen gehen. Ich hatte noch nie ein Motorrad und bin auch noch nie auf einem oben gesessen 😀 habe den B Führerschein und muss dann nur einen kleinen extra Kurs machen um sie dann fahren zu dürfen
Ich weiß nicht ob ich bei der Besichtigung mit offenen Karten spielen soll und sagen soll das ich nicht weiß wie man sowas fährt 😀 oder ob ich ein Pokerface aufsetzen soll
Was ist zu beachten? Welche Fragen sollte man stellen?
You can also lubricate the test drive right into your hair. If you’ve never been sitting on a moped, you can’t judge if everything is normal or not. Except the part is really completely crooked and crooked.
You should take someone who knows something like that. That’s what you should always do, but especially as a complete newbie.
Otherwise, there are used-selling checklists from the usual sources, in particular the websites of the relevant motorcycle magazines.
This Kymco thing… so the manufacturer is certainly not as suspicious as Chinese construction market scooters and the like, but the model does not even exhaust the permissible 15 hp, so it gives away security reserves. In addition, it is trimmed on “Supersportler”, which in practice means that the sitting position is super uncomfortable. The moped is more difficult to control and less handy than an undressed model to me wide handlebar, all just to press the driver’s elbows tightly to the body and to press out half a km/h more by the reduced air resistance. This is of course ridiculous with such small mopeds, but especially if the engine still lacks three hp, where it should be full 20 percent stronger.
So that wouldn’t be my choice.
I strongly recommend that you (!) first consider the “small extra course” and finish it successfully before it goes on. If you’re swinging on a motorcycle with Pokerface now and you’re losing experience, it’s not likely to be a very poker thing anymore.