Motorrad fahren als Hobby?


Ich fahre leidenschaftlich gerne Motorrad, weil es mir Spaß macht und mich auch entspannt vom Alltag. Es ist einfach ein totales Freiheitsgefühl. Ich liebe es.

Hatte vor kurzem ein Gespräch mit einem älteren Herren und er meinte, dass Leute die Motorrad fahren das ja nur machen um ihr Ego zu pushen und Anerkennung von anderen zu erhalten, weil Biker Selbstwertprobleme haben. Das wäre ja nur ein Wunsch des Egos und kein Herzenswunsch Motorrad zu fahren. Also nur um anderen zu zeigen wie cool man ist.

Finde diese Aussage irgendwie dumm, da mir andere egal sind, wenn ich Motorrad fahren. Ich mache das doch weil es mir gut tut und mich sehr glücklich macht und nicht um irgendeine Anerkennung zu bekommen.

Wie seht ihr das?

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3 years ago

Some people talk bullshit. With many things. Just ignore. Especially if they have no plan

3 years ago
Reply to  SvenHannewald

Jup. And in many other areas there’s something similar..

3 years ago

The elderly man is right from his point of view. He cannot put other motorcyclists in or closes himself to others. You have to respect that.

Of course you’re right from your point of view. And I see that as well. It is simply a nice feeling to sit on a motor that lets warm spring air blow around the nose. The motorcycle community is huge and generally friendly to each other. As a result, there are always people among drivers who can be easily addressed and exchanged on a variety of topics. Relaxing driver communities can also be formed from them, so you can enjoy relaxed hairstyles with each other.

I don’t have to pose with my lady. This is happening by itself, as many of them don’t move around freely. Turns out visually and acoustically.

3 years ago

I’m driving too, and that’s all bullshit. Then all moped drivers would have self-worth problems.

3 years ago

I’m 70

When I was retired, I gave my car daughter and son-in-law because I didn’t get a car anymore. I bought a good used motorbike and I drive long distances from pure pleasure in the summer, on the countryside, on the way. I don’t rase, don’t race and have no problems with my ego :-)))

I was alone on the bike in southern Italy, in Oczitanien – in southern France I visited a few places as I was stationed as a young légionnaire, I was also in Aubagne and Puyloubier. This summer, then with 71 I will ride on my bike alone to the Nordkap to dance in the midnight sun.

Motorcycling is a feeling of life. And if I’m gonna crash somewhere or get out of the bike, it should be like that.

I’m such an old bag – and I understand exactly what you mean.

3 years ago

Just leave the man his mind. As long as he doesn’t restrict you to your hobby, it’s okay.

3 years ago

How do you see that?

General statements are always stupid and not worth thinking about it.

3 years ago

To the older gentleman, you have to accept milder circumstances.

In his generation during the ’50s/beginning of the ’60s, motorcycle driving was something for people who couldn’t afford a car. He just can’t understand why you’re doing something like that, except for the urge to apply.

3 years ago

Almost the same as in cool cars. Some people think you just want pussies. In the motorbike, all you just want to specify. Fuck those people.