Motorrad Blinker Problem?
Bei meinen Motorrad funktioniert folgendes nicht:
Wenn ich rechts blinke, bleibt der Blinker hinten rechts dauerhaft an, vorne rechts bleibt er aus. Auf der linken Seite funktioniert alles.
Glühbirne habe ich schon überprüft.
Jemand ne Ahnung was das sein könnte.
Check the cables.
Servus, checked the cable with a multimeter and found the cable break relatively quickly, thanks
I’m glad you found the mistake 👍🏻
Rust and corrosion on the front right, screw off flasher glass and spray with WD 40. What does the lighting device mean is still in order or has only been checked with a multimeter? Sometimes you can already look at the contacts where a lot of rust has been created, because the copper becomes somewhat greenish, then of course it is clear that the pear can no longer blink.
I mounted the pear on the other side and watched whether it works, I also looked at the cable way.
I also looked at the contacts, grate failure.
Think when I walk the cable path with the multimeters and see where I have tension, I will find the mistake.
I was hoping that there might be some component where the symptoms are.
Good consideration, the problem that my moped only has a fine fuse and which is still intact
under the bench is the box.
As I said, there is only a fine-saving