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6 years ago

If you are mainly concerned with the sound and everything should remain legal, you can leave the original exhaust on it.

Sure, a little what will change, but wonders shouldn’t be expected.

Here it comes to the exhaust/end silencer itself. Whether this is only the tail silencer or an entire system does not matter.

Search YouTube for your motorcycle with “exhaust” or “exhaust”. Then you can make a selection of those who listen well or not well.

Then you will also notice that with DB-Killer the difference to the original is not very large.

Also make sure you continue to have the catalyst inside. This is not the case for many. Without it, the entire permit (E-signs) does not use anything, then the permit is still extinguished.

Best regards


6 years ago

Slip on means that it is only the tail silencer mounted on the old elbow

6 years ago
Reply to  BrunoBorges99
