Motoröle Mischen Audi A3 8l 1.6?

Hallo zusammen,

Ich habe mir einen A3 8l BJ 2002 mit dem 1.6 er Benziner gekauft. Der Vorbesitzer ist sich allerdings nicht sicher ob 10W40, 5w40 oder 5w30 drin ist. Er hat Rechnungen von Motorinstandsetzung und Inspektion auf denen verschiedene Öle stehen. So, nun habe ich den Ölstand geprüft und festgestellt ich muss Öl nachfüllen.

Kann ich die Öle miteinander Problemlos mischen oder sollte ich eher Öl und Filter rausschmeißen und komplett Neues Öl einfüllen?

Anscheinend habe ich in meiner Lehre beim Thema motoröle nicht aufgepasst 🤣

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2 years ago

You can mix all oils, whether synth or mineral, or whatever viscosity

2 years ago

Get out.

5W30 has become so cheap these days.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marco892

No matter what you’ve got, the older engines don’t take that crook

2 years ago

If you have to refill oil, take the “medium” of the three varieties. See also in the operating instructions which oils the manufacturer recommends. In principle, you should mix something similar. In the current case, this means that the 5W40 corresponds to the “center”.

If there is an oil change soon, you have pure oil in it. Until then, you will fill with a variety you want to use as a standard.

The smaller the numbers, the thinner is the oil.

2 years ago

or should I rather pour out oil and filter and fill in completely new oil?

Yeah, if you want to do it right. You don’t want to do it right, you’re gonna dump some oil. Go, too.

2 years ago

My brother has this engine in the 1998 Audi A4 and drives it without problems with 10W-40. The oil is also released and the technical state of the time saw this lubricant – synthetic oils were only coming and not yet customary, especially not yet in the compact class.

Mixing can already be oils in general, but a continuous solution isn’t that – that’s what you do when you need oil and don’t get the juice actually filled in. In the long term, it is much more recommended and more sensible to change oil and filter.

2 years ago

You can mix the engine oils as desired. The quality of the oil changes something. The lowest used standard now corresponds to the mixture.

If you now fill an oil with the required VW release, you can’t do anything wrong with it. Finally, the oil meets the VW standard.

You can choose the viscosity yourself. You don’t have much choice at the VW standard anyway.