Motor klopft?
aus heiterem Himmel hat mein Roller angefangen ein klackendes/klopfendes Geräusch zu machen.
Es handelt sich dabei um einen CPI GTR 50 LC BJ 2004 mit ca. 6000 KM Laufleistung.
Hat jemand ne Ahnung was das sein könnte ?
Bin gestern noch ganz normal gefahren. Dabei gab es keine Anzeichen für das klackern.
Ist mein Motor hin ?
Ohha, don’t start any more! Do not know the engine and the part, but that sounds like a bad motor damage. Think the cylinder is hitting, so get new set and get it in. Look at the cylinder head and cylinder race. Check the crankshaft directly.
The scooter was less than 24 hours and did not make any stops before.
Unfortunately, this can happen at any time, unfortunately not in it…
Is the box two more tactile? If so, did you mix yourself, or pump? If pump, which will change in any case.
Hi. Update. I got a new battery so I can watch the V-belt. What do you say?
Unfortunately, as I said, the model does not include engine type. All I’m telling you here is kept very general, not without reason
I’ll check it again. If I get a new set of cylinders, what brand should I get? does he look good for you?
Sure, off a block battery and watch what happens. You hear what comes nix, is very likely the strap. You don’t listen to me, you don’t come to me.
A cap full of oil on a full tank makes nix. But clearly “much” to fat always makes only problems. Sensual is, of course, always mix
Can I test the oil pump now?
Is the mixture not too oily? I own a piston oiled to (good) also gets problems.
To make sure it would be the best to remove the oil pump and mix it yourself or not?
Then the probability is high that the pump has no longer mixed oil and therefore you now have the problems. For the next time: mix calm always ne cap oil with pure, then the pump should fail once, you have an emergency lubrication.
Yes is a 2 clock with oil pump
Maybe no oil? Doesn’t sound good at man sorry
Hi, I let the roller run without Vario lid to check the belt run.
That came out :
The sound is gone. Even if the variomatic is slipped, it seems to be on the too loose toothed belt.
In addition, the kickstarter part looks a bit consumed.
What’s your opinion?
It may be that there is too much distance between your vario and the block. Check this out when this is probiers time with underlay discs