Motor auf Kurzstrecke kochend heiss?
ich hab eine Probefahrt gemacht mit einem Citroën c3 Picasso 1.2 von 2016, nach 5 Minuten oder so Motorhaube aufgemacht, da drin war’s kochend heiß, ist das ein Problem oder normal? Die Hitze kam aus der krümmergegend…?
What do you understand?
the elbow is a part of the exhaust system and now becomes 1,000 degrees hot
after 5min, the not so hot but already develops a certain heat that is completely normal.
was the engine repair display at operating temperature? So about 90 degrees?
when the coolant cooks.
Well the interior under the hood was hot, at my vw up is not that
What interior? You mean the sound mat in the hood?
as long as your engine temperature indicator does not spin and displays the correct value, your engine is not overheated
there was a protective sheet
Does the elbow have a heat shield or is it free?
No he was not
Maybe he was driving before you drove him?
Okay, I thought it was cold until he kicked on tour?
A motor now develops heat?
I don’t understand what your problem is
as long as all warning lights are out and the bucket drives without smoking it is normal
when you dome hood is hot
It’ll be warm.
Totally normal.
for the purpose of buying into the workshop
elbows, exhaust, clear gets the hot, would surprise me if not