Motocross Federung schlecht?


Habe mir vor kurzen eine ktm sxf 250 gekauft.

Und wenn ich über die Wiese fahre ist die Federung sehr schwach und man wird richtig durchgerütelt. Wenn ichs jetzt während der Fahrt aufstehen und ein bisschen hoch spring dann geht sie eh gut rein und wieder raus.

Ist die Federung kaputt?

Habe sie auf Komfort eingestellt, also das weichtse was ich weiß.

Was kann da sein

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3 years ago

If you drive fast over unevenness, it’s just so that you get severely shaken and if it works so well, the suspension is not broken

What could be that if you have a high speed compression that is not set properly at KTM it is common that the basic setting of the spring elements in the manual could be you look there but what can be that mx chassis are more difficult than Enduro wheels

3 years ago

And when I drive over the meadow, the suspension is very weak and you get really straightened.

Soft spring means soft running gear and thus less “touch”.

When I get up during the ride and jump a bit high, she’ll go in and out.

Joa.. if you jump on the bike while standing, the suspension should react. That’s it.

Is the suspension broken?

I don’t know what makes you believe that?

Set them to comfort, so soften what I know.

What can be there

If the softest is too soft, try a harder setting?

3 years ago
Reply to  Sagwallah

There are other feathers to buy.

3 years ago

So you’re buying a motorcycle without any idea?

Just get that thing to the dealer.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sagwallah

A remote diagnosis is not possible and you seem to have no idea. How to give you help, just bring the vehicle to who knows.
He can help.