Wie motiviert ihr euch zum Schreiben ?
Ich tauche beim schreiben zu oft in die Emotion ein. Prinzipiell gut, aber zum 100sten Mal das fühlen, was man aufarbeiten möchte ist schwierig.
Ergo. Ich werde ewig für dieses Buch brauchen.
Tipps und Tricks ???
I write, or draw, just because I want to tell certain stories. Characters or concepts always fall spontaneously, then I think “Man, that’s interesting, I’d like to tell you about it!” And then I start. The whole thing naturally wants to be planned and structured and yes, that is often a laborious process, and I also sometimes have to “motivate” myself. But the actual conversion of history is always a river, because it is about telling! The story wants to be told, I’m just the medium:-D
Not at all. I have a week’s target and that’s true. In fact, I just fall into something like that when it triggers me. So far only once happened, otherwise I will preserve the authorial objectivity. Perhaps a change of perspective would be helpful?
this has nothing to do with motivation, but rather with lack of writing technology,
Oh, okay. Well, I didn’t get to it first, 🤦 ♀️
Thank you
I’m really just writing if I want to. Often without emotions. Sit down and write something completely different. Sit down and find something you can’t connect emotionally. also a ground plan
I don’t have to motivate myself. New ideas come in dream sleep (Rem Sleep)
I suspect you don’t write because you have a story in your head, but you decided to write a book. That’s what it’s recommended. That would be an essay at school.
A story is written because it rawe want to totally distract you and get out of here!
That’s it!