Is it morally acceptable to eat animals?

Do you think it's morally acceptable to eat animals? Do you eat animal products, or are you vegetarian or vegan?

I have been a vegetarian for about four weeks now and try to avoid animal products as much as possible.

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2 years ago


I cannot represent it morally, and therefore I do it as little as possible.

Little as possible in the sense of: only to buy/consume foods where there is no intentional animal in it. Because strictly speaking, much more is not “vegan” than that.

Do well, with your idea, but would leave the fingers of such artificial meat substitutes


2 years ago

I don’t want to condemn or deny, but is that moral?

Vegans and vegetarians should let themselves go through the head, how their vegetables are protected against frescoes?

Even Brennesselsud is intended to protect the plant, and animals are killed, for example lice and caterpillars, so that the plants remain virtually unharmed for human consumption. the harvest remains protected and the necessary profit for the farmer.

Bee/insectic mortality is not due to animal husbandry, it is entirely due to the intensive use of the land by agriculture.

Monocultures, plantations provide less biodiversity, bees do not find food anymore, because vegetables are rarely bloomed and harvested before flowering. The use of fertilizers and pesticides is also important.

Vegans and vegetarians, who also buy herbal food from products grown in remote countries, are still firing monocultures, long transport routes certainly do not do well to the climate, environmental protection anyway, because in these countries there are much weaker laws for the use of plant protection products. Who also needs strawberries, asparagus, etc. in times where winter is here?

I don’t want to condemn anyone, but if everyone would look a little what he has from where on the plate, meat users, vegans and vegetarians, then much would be helped.

I do not eat meat from the discounter or supermarket, my meat comes from animals that are kept art-friendly, which are not carved in Europe dead or even alive. I watch life and the animals I live from. I could never hurt a cow, a chicken, etc. Never would I torment the caterpillar of a butterfly that feeds the leaf of my salad head.

1 year ago

The whole looks a bit strange considering how many plants are needed to produce animal products

PS: You can’t hurt a animal, but buy products for which animals must obviously suffer? Less

1 year ago

The whole looks a bit strange considering how many plants are needed to produce animal products

I am with you when animals are fed with foreign feed, which is usually the case with cheap meat from mass livestock. Such meat can buy who wants, I don’t! The meat I consume comes from animals that are allowed to stand on the meadow, to eat grass and hay. I’m just buying hay milk. By the way, this also applies to plant food! Who buys fruit and vegetables that are not cultivated here ensures that the food is transported around the world. You can always read about Spanish growing areas for fruits and vegetables that require a lot of water, large areas there are now deserts, the groundwater is so deep that the wells no longer promote. In many other countries, from which we import herbal food, it looks the same! Who needs strawberries in February? Who needs avocados from South America? Who needs asparagus from Greece or Morocco? I could just write on that.

The whole thing looks a bit strange considering that a lot of fertilizers and plenty of water are needed for plant cultivation.

PS: You just want to feed on a plant because you don’t want to kill or use an animal for your food. However, you accept that by cultivating your plant food, insects are killed, the biodiversity of fauna and flora disappears, waters and soils are contaminated, because your planting diet is treated with fertilizer and glyphosate and other shitty stuff, so that every plant also rejects enough yield! The cultivation in greenhouses not only seals soils, but also eats a lot of energy and again the question: who needs fresh tomatoes throughout the winter, do it not also preserve them that were grown in the season? Not only weak, but also blue-eyed and far from reality!

I feed well balanced, with herbal and animal food!

By the way, ask me again and again if all people meet the demands of your views, where should this mass of plants be cultivated without damage, as described above? In the end, it is only about a massive reduction in the population of the earth and also about a uniform distribution in all countries of this earth.

1 year ago

I’m looking forward to your naivety. The murder of Biene Maya and Karl der Käfer would seem to be merciful for your goals! Even you are a murderer, welcome to the club, you just don’t have the A in your pants, the bee and the beetle directly to kill, you’re emptying plant protection products that leash the fresco. Great, that’s how morality shines today. I’m honest and I’d find the animal that serves my food. Of course, I would also have a conscience if it was the cow or the pig that I raised and that I cuddled with. I wouldn’t have a problem with a roe, rabbit or wild boar. Just like you’d kill the bug, the Laus, the snail that eats your salad away. If you don’t, you’re naive, because for your vegetables and your fruit, living things die, that’s fact!

To compare the death of J. F. K. with the death of an animal makes a deep look. I’m sure you’d put the murder in camps by A. H. in the same way as the dignified battle. From your point of view, every predator is a killer and probably you are also one of the dogs and cats who would eat vegan or even do.

What you wrote in the last article confirms to me what I always think of some of the “clean” vegans.

For the weekend, I’ll get a nice oxen chop and asparagus tomorrow. The last domestic this year, I put value on it, of course, since January you can buy asparagus from all gentlemen and after the Johanni day there are still enough goods on the market, which is carted from anywhere in the world. The sauce, which the asparagus unfolds with the lemons on the grill, fits perfectly with the oxen chop.

I wish you a pure conscience if you eat the next carrot, the next cucumber, etc.

For me, I wish that I am never so blinded and never let myself be influenced by people who do not want to see reality.

By the way: the seed INDUSTRIE determines that by a monopoly which farmers can hardly escape, on some products they even have the sole right to multiply them. But this is also completely okay, because only the meat industry is the terrible, the bad, the climate destroyers.

Seeds – the power of agricultural companies – DW – 09.04.2021

Monopolbildung bei Seed – “We are trying to disrupt this business model” (

You too are there!?

1 year ago

Even this would still be more sustainable than animal husbandry.

You go through life with open eyes, but do you think any arguments to justify your consumption, like all? Very weak

Why should people earn money that speak for veganism? Many product manufacturers would have to restructure and that would be annoying work for them.

Also morally speaking, animal husbandry is dismissable. Also the grazing. The murder of john f. Kennedy would be absolutely inconceivable after your logic, because this had a beautiful life

Milk, butter, cheese, eggs? Very sustainable. Bravo

1 year ago

It is not enough if all only consume herbal food. There can not be so much ecological farming. It is a misbelief that plants grow so easily without protecting them by any means and manipulating them for growth.

An example is genetically modified plants. In my opinion, this is an irreversible damage to the ecosystem.

But dream about living vegan from the cure.

I have my own opinion, go through with open eyes, don’t let me get into circulation by any numbers that make people go because they earn money, impress.

It may be that the cattle this is as food to me take metan, but it does not kill any insects and it does not need an art fertilizer or glyphosate and it does not have to live anywhere on earth at certain seasons and be eaten here. It can also live very well on blossoming meadows and satisfied, weeds he doesn’t care much, it sometimes eats it.

I will continue to have days where I take pure vegetable food to me, there will be days where I will eat a piece of meat, including sausage, There will definitely not be a day when I live only from meat and it will certainly not be that I live my life only from fruit and vegetables. Animal products such as milk butter cheese eggs, come to the table daily, this is fact.

1 year ago

Even if it were as you describe, it would still be more environmentally and resource-efficient than the consumption of animal products.

If everyone wants to continue eating meat, in a world where only grazing meat is produced (maybe only 1x per week), it would still not be enough for all

Why is the consumption of herbal products one-sided? I’ve never eaten as versatile as now as a vegan

Why do you change the thema? Clearly, the world’s population must not rise into immeasurable. But it will continue to rise and not too much to pollute the environment, helps a plant life, which could also stop the world hunger

We are now here on the earth and are responsible for sleeping. This is not possible with animal products

1 year ago

Oh, yeah, the food-conscious vegans! I know enough of it, they buy their fruits and vegetables all at the discounter, products that come least from Germany. Most of them are products from Spain where the last water goes into agriculture, or from Holland where tomatoes etc. To be pulled in greenhouses, fed with art fertilizer, which in summer and winter, so that no tomato gets a flaw, because perhaps the many rain does not make all the fruits thrive beautifully.

Who says the whole humanity is to be supplied by pastures?

It shows how one-sided thinking is in some people.

Balance, moderate consumption and, above all, regional products, this is not a unilateral consumption of meat and milk products and plants.

It is also absolutely necessary to stop the growth of the earth’s population. The more living beings on the planet live the more is consumed, no matter what. But that’s a subject you don’t want to hear.

When rats are overhand there are diseases, people are nothing but rats for the ecosystem.

1 year ago

Oh, yeah, the good old farmer from next door, you know him. Although 98% of animal products come from mass animal farming in Germany. Bio- and grazing meat (- and milk) are, by the way, very harmful to the environment, as the animals need more food due to their longer life and emit more metan. A plant cost is increasingly environmentally friendly. And since many vegans are very busy with their diet, they often only buy seasonal fruit and vegetables

There is also simply not enough space to provide the whole humanity with grazing meat/milk

2 years ago

I myself was vegetarian too. Meanwhile, I eat meat from time to time, but only if I can be sure that it is of happy animals. I find it cruel to think that some animals are waiting for their whole life in a small stable or similar life, and thus practically only for their death. In restaurants, therefore, I still take vegetarian dishes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jolinex819

Yeah, sure, killing happy animals is much better, it doesn’t make any difference whether you eat constantly or little meat, the animal is dead.

1 year ago
Reply to  Malteser23

Just like the bee, the beetle is dead from the plant protection product or finds nothing to eat, because only intensive farming is carried out everywhere. But the cute calf is so sorry if it is slaughtered, the snail. the beetle is also only vermin that ticks the salad, away with it, so it looks with the way of thinking at the so-called good man.

1 year ago
Reply to  Malteser23

However, we know that this is called a diet of an all-eater where no one can change anything

1 year ago
Reply to  Malteser23

This is also the field bunny that dreads on the field in the vegan plant cultivation.

1 year ago

Moral rather not. You take things away from the animals that belong to them and not to people.

1 year ago

It is morally reasonable to eat animals.

2 years ago


Everyone has to decide!

My personal justification is that nature has designed me for an omnivorous diet that – in dimensions! – also contains meat. Since I cannot exist and feed myself without other beings (including plants, mushrooms,… are living beings!!!), I at least try to stay as close as possible to what nature has “foreseen” for me. To meet my (as I find something presumptuous) species name Homo sapiens, ” wise, meticulous person” at least to some extent, I try to use my insight into this nature that I originate to suffer as little as possible. In this sense, I find a self-established wild roast far more morally acceptable than, for example, now, in winter, strawberries from South Africa.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pomophilus

Naturalistic failure.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lesgetitbaby

Arrogant interference.

2 years ago

Yes, I think it is morally reasonable.

Humans are biologically a “everything eater” and their entire digestive system is optimized by evolution. The question of morality is an artificial one. Nature knows no morality. Eating and eating is part of nature.

2 years ago

It depends on…If you can represent it yourself, keep consumption in a certain frame and you do not have cheap meat from mass livestock, then I think it is reasonable. Everyone has to decide for themselves.

I myself eat vegetarian, some animal products (eggs, honey, products from sheep or goat’s milk) I cannot forego.

2 years ago

In short, I am vegan and no I find it unacceptable, except in an emergency situation where one could survive only by the consumption of animal products. You should consider what is more ethical.

2 years ago

For your own life, animals like vermin die, whether for meat, cereals or vegetables. If you are vegetarians or vegans, that doesn’t mean you have 0 animals on your conscience.

But what can be done is to reduce the number of animals killed. This does not necessarily exclude meat. If so. anyway, you should eat it because you don’t have to eat new food, for which animals had to die again. If you do not eat vegan or vegetarian properly, you will get sick in the long term and maybe need more medicines. Nutrition costs Germany 9 billion a year, which can then be missing elsewhere, such as e.g. environmental protection (expenditure: 2.2 billion) .

2 years ago

I haven’t bought meat in the supermarket for a few years and I won’t do it anymore. But it’s just that I’m a lair by the side and I’m running my own lease.

Dear vegans, please consider what a non-controlled wild stock does in the environment. You don’t want to experience that, because then there are no healthy trees and bushes anymore.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dk25051979

Hey, vegetarian.

Personally, I don’t think it’s possible to eat wilderness, because it has led at least a beautiful and free life before. Besides, I think a self-expanded animal is more appreciated than if you get a hot dog quickly.

Could you explain to me what an uncontrolled wild stock would trigger? I am not so well informed

I just want to tell you a little bit, that not “the vegans” are against the controlled wild stock, but just a few people who are not just vegans. I always find such generalizations a little critical as it is often a cliché.


1 year ago
Reply to  Dk25051979

Man almost erased the wolf, just like the lynx.

And hunting big animals is not in the nature of man

2 years ago

Everyone wants to eat what he wants. However, I find it morally presumptuous to buy the cheapest cheap meat from the worst mass animal husbandry, most likely to get many kilometers from abroad with transporters. Then I’d rather be less on the whole, and the little butcher around the corner.

2 years ago

I don’t think it’s morally reasonable, but you can’t expect most users here to be vegetarians. Are either conservative or immature

2 years ago
Reply to  elliebartowski

Hm, that means all those who are not following the same way of life as you are stupid or old-fashioned?

A… questionable view^

2 years ago
Reply to  CenturyisGone

No, that was not related to this question, but in general

2 years ago

The questioners, because they do not yet know the answer, or the answerers, because they were not “illuminated” and did not eat their existence as a vegan?

Conservative/normal: with animal products, including vegetarians

Unripe: Vegan. You heard as a child, that would be better. You don’t learn anything about it (because you know better than normal eater)

To counteract climate change, it helps the farm animals, wildlife and humans.

2 years ago

Then I’m sorry that you’re so “recreated”, but that was with immature and conservative was generally related to the user, but how do you think “normal”?

2 years ago

I made it so clear: “People here are either conservative, (and eat normally) or they are immature, (and do not eat normally).

2 years ago

No, you know what conservative and immature means

2 years ago

But with the two words, you are all over a comb that is not your opinion.

2 years ago

Well, yes. Because “unreif” and “conservative” has nothing to do with whether to agree with me or not:))

2 years ago

This changes nix to my question 🙂

2 years ago

Imagine animals could speak. Would they say they want to be exploited and killed? I don’t think so.

If the animal doesn’t want to, and we still do, what are we in the eyes of the animal? Certainly no angel.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lesgetitbaby

Vegan failure

2 years ago
Reply to  Lesgetitbaby

Imagine plants could speak. Would they say they want to be exploited and killed? I don’t think so.

If the plant doesn’t want to, and we still do, what are we in the eyes of the plant?? Certainly no angel.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pomophilus

A plant feels nothing. And fruits and most vegetables and nuts never at all

1 year ago
Reply to  Lesgetitbaby

Imagine animals could speak.

We wouldn’t eat animals that can talk anyway. We’d eat the other animals together with them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lesgetitbaby

Brown bears are all-eaters as well as man: Do you know a roe or another animal which would not run away if it should be eaten? Is there hunters and hunted The hunters are all-eaters and meat-eaters and the hunted are all-eaters and plant-fresses in many claws

2 years ago

Imagine, animals that could poison more vegans when planting plants and let them frighten on the field. Would they say they want to be poisoned and killed? I don’t think so.

If the animal doesn’t want this, and vegans do it anyway, what are vegans in the eyes of the animal? Certainly no angel.

2 years ago

Naturalistic failure.

2 years ago

Basically yes. This whole vegan crotch is just annoying. They pretend they won’t do it for attention, then on Twitter but “#VEGAN!!!” in their Nick.

I don’t know. But everyone has to know that for themselves. If you waste your short time on the planet for not trying everything.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bananensnack

Some things don’t have to be tried.

For example, exploit and kill innocent animals.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lesgetitbaby

Question: Can vegans in the animal park? Answer: No! The animals are there to look. This is exploitation. They are tortured.

Well noted: because a vegan looks at an animal, this is tormented.

Therefore, animals must be abolished so that no vegan can torment through animals.

And because the animals are harmful to the environment anyway, and we eat all the food away, we simply dispose of it so that more space is available for the superior person.

(It’s a bit tricky to read, but just because veganism is a real ideology)

2 years ago
Reply to  Lesgetitbaby

When planting, billions of animals die and suffer.

The bee does not steal the honey, but poison them with pestizde or chop the harebread, but letting the field bunny frighten on the field, and filling the animal products of Esser with the ears about animal suffering is vegan hypocrisy.

1 year ago

But consciously accepted for human purposes only for the short consumption of plants.

1 year ago

But not conscious for human purposes, just so that you have little steak

1 year ago

But also dying beings.

1 year ago

yet I do not support the murder of feeling beings

1 year ago

Organic is called animal fertilizer and not vegan and also used in organic pestizde

1 year ago

Therefore only organic, or from the vegetable garden

2 years ago

No, I’m not a vegan

2 years ago

You’re a fanatic

1 year ago

No, it’s not

1 year ago
Reply to  Malteser23

But it is

2 years ago

I find it quite reasonable to eat animals. But it must be high quality meat. Also, meat/ sausage should not necessarily be on the menu daily.

2 years ago

Morally harmless

1 year ago
Reply to  Diaetassistent

Kill innocent animals

1 year ago
Reply to  Malteser23

They provide food.

1 year ago

I also felt, but still wanted to kill the wild boar when I was joged over the dike in the evening:) Wild boars don’t even eat people around and it just wanted to make me flat for nix just because I ran that long.

1 year ago

I know, but I don’t think so.

1 year ago

They also have feelings and are exploited

2 years ago

Yeah, it is. However, I have my doubts about the cheap meat

2 years ago

It is an ethical, ecological and health need to consume animal products.

It’s better for the environment and animals.

1 year ago
Reply to  wickedsick05


1 year ago
Reply to  Malteser23

No fact.

1 year ago

Innocent animals are exploited and slaughtered, you have as much feeling as humans

2 years ago

Yes, it is morally reasonable to eat animals. I love animal products.

1 year ago
Reply to  Barfussfan91


1 year ago
Reply to  Malteser23

Why should I be an egoist?

1 year ago

Experienced people, animal protectors
People looking behind the façades of slaughterhouses

1 year ago

Says who?