Moped-Unfall vor Schwarm!?
Mein Schwarm & ich sind zur selben Zeit aus der Firma, er ist mit dem Fahrrad los und ich mit dem Moped. Wollte bisschen angeben und bin zu schnell um die Kurve, bin dann weggerutscht und hingefallen. Er ist gerade um die nächste Kurve, hat nicht gestoppt oder sich umgedreht, hat den Sturz aber sicher gehört und wahrscheinlich mitbekommen. Mir ist zwar nix passiert aber trotzdem… Mega peinlich!! Was wenn er mich darauf anspricht?!
haha 😀 head up as long as you’re okay, it’s okay.
And you don’t have to be embarrassed or something like that happens to everyone (although maybe something different).
Vlt you have even remained in his head, you can never know;)
Something similar happened to me. I walked around with friends at school and one of them suddenly screams his name and I flee totally after he then saw that I was fine he laughed nicely, so he had something good Vlt was similar to you, or if he didn’t come along like you were going to think about how you are.
and if he appeals to you just laugh cool and don’t show you it’s embarrassing;)
I’m afraid you have to write him down. If you were important to him, he would’ve been sure to see if you were overwhelming the accidental show.
Then you learned a lesson for life that you do not do such stupidities.
Well, I would say the opinion… don’t even stand… unbelievable