Moped übersetzung?

Hallo ich hatte eine 12/52 Übersetzung oben und jetzt habe ich 13/62 Übersetzung rauf getan und hab gedacht das es jetzt mehr endgeschwindigkeit hat aber es beschleunigt sehr schnell und hat nicht so viel endgeschwindigkeit une meine frage ist welches ritzel ich rauf tun muss das es eine höhere endgeschwindigkeit hat.

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2 years ago

Well – 12 : 52 is a “Reduction“, just like 13:62. The reductions have the characteristic that the driving machine (gear input) has a higher rotational speed than the driven (gear output).

For this, however, the transmitted torque becomes greater…

my question is which scribble I have to do up that it has a higher end speed.

At 12:42 the speed at the transmission output would be greater. Provided the engine has enough power reserves for this, since it has to apply a higher torque with this reduction in order to get the same speed on the driven machine. For even higher speeds, the engine has to offer even more power…

2 years ago

at 12/52 you even have more final speed no idea why you could have screwed the 62 gear rim on it just 13/52.

Front Sizer or Back Smaller = More End Speed