Moped startet nicht mit dem Kickstarter?

Moin, ich habe eine Suzuki TS 50 aus 91’ gekauft. Jedoch hat der Vorbesitzer sie immer angeschoben…

ich finde das ziemlich unpraktisch, jedoch funktioniert nach Anbau des Kickstarters dieser nicht, bzw. das Moped rollt oder blubbert aber mehr auch nicht…

Vieleicht kann mir dabei einer helfen. Danke

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2 years ago

I’ll help you.

You’ve got a broken, old-timer to turn on, and now you’ll find out that he’s completely surprising. still significantly broken is when you thought, because you had no idea, and no one who knows.

This is as normal (“the teaching money we all have to pay”) as long as you don’t get the same mistake too often.

2 years ago

The kickstarter shaft may have an error in the motor housing. It only helps to see if something is broken or something.

2 years ago

Get a similar moped as a part dispenser.

For this you have to spend comparatively little money.

But only if you don’t have two left hands.

Workshop costs are hardly in a healthy relationship with your oldtimer and what it is worth.

2 years ago

I’m asking you for security, but you already use the choke, right?