Moped nimmt von selbst gas an und überdreht komplett?
Was könnte sein?
Bitte helft mir!
Ich habe den vergaser gereinigt und auch das membran und den ansaugstutzen
Am stand läuft sie aber wenn ich sie warm fahre dann überdreht das drecks ding komplett
Das ding muss morgen am nachmittag laufen
Have you changed the stand gas completely while cleaning? Does your gas train still have some game or is the one that might be adjusted? Did you perhaps twist the gas train and it clamps or is on tension? If your moped is cold, something might be compensated for by the choke – comes up with a warm engine without a choke but then comes to the test…
Swimmer / floating needle clamps and the sprite runs unhindered, and the gas slider is also…
Sounds strange, I know. But sometimes there are funny things. And the symptoms are also strange.
Probably not properly mounted the carburetor or exhaust and now it draws off air.
I didn’t do anything
Would be happy if you could read my text under the answer of @Over9000IQ
Well, I’d be happy if people didn’t put off-topic themes here, just because they think their problems are the navel of the world.
That’s how everyone has to wear his package!
Wrong air
I can’t imagine
intake pipe has cracks but they are only
Even if I press or so I don’t see a hole/slot inside and air filter sits very hard/eng on it
But it’s like you’re hanging out
Pulls false air
Theme Sex what the hell
To see someone!
Six and a half thousand IQs