Moped mit Anhänger?
Wollte mal fragen ob es grundsätzlich zulässig ist, mit dem Moped einen kleinen Anhänger zu ziehen, so in der Art wie auf den angehängten Bild.
Zu DDR-Zeiten habe ich oft Mopeds mit Anhänger gesehen, seit der Wende nicht mehr. Kann das an anderen Rechtsnormen in der BRD liegen?
Falls ja, muss der Anhänger wie bei PKW´s eine eigne Zulassung haben und ist eine separate Fahrerlaubnis nötig oder im normalen Moped-Führerschein enthalten.
Kennt Ihr einen Nachbarn/Kumpel oder fahrt Ihr selbst mit einem solchen Gefährt?
Und was ist mit der Anhängerkupplung. Darf ich die selbst am Zugfahrzeug montieren oder muss die vom Werk bereits vormontiert sein.
Es gab vor sechs Jahren schon mal die gleiche Frage mit nur einer Antwort “Ja darfst Du” ohne jegliche Begründung, was ich für wenig hilfreich finde ohne Begründung. Wär also toll wenn Ihr etwas mehr berichtet, z.b. “hatte schon Ärger deshalb” oder “Polizei sah da kein Problem” oder ähnliches.
Falls das wichtig sein sollte. Ich habe ca. 1980 in der DDR den Mopedfüherschein gemacht und ca. 1992 den PKW-Füherschein der auch Moped enthält.
Vielen Dank schon mal für Eure Antworten.
Yes, but the specific conditions must be fulfilled!
Backlight to trailers:
§ 53 para. 1 StVZO – motor vehicles and their trailers must be equipped with two sufficiently acting tail lights for red light. Motorcycles without trailers only need to have one final lamp. The lowest point of the luminous surface of the tail lamps shall not be lower than 350 mm, not lower than 250 mm for motorcycles, and the highest point of the luminous surface shall not exceed 1,500 mm….
Backlights to trailers:
§ 53 para. 4 StVZO motor vehicles must be equipped at the rear with 2 red reflectors. trailers shall be equipped with 2 triangular red reflectors; the lateral length of such retro-reflectors shall be at least 150 mm; the tip of the triangle shall be upward. The outermost point of the luminous surface of the reflectors shall not be more than 400 mm from the outermost point of the vehicle contour and its highest point of the luminous surface shall not be more than 900 mm from the roadway.
No authorisation requirement but duty to permit:
Approval free according to § 3 para. 2
ABER: § 18 para.1 , 2, 3 StVZO
(1) Vehicles with a maximum speed of more than 6 km/h determined by the design and their trailers (including vehicles with the exception of vehicles with the exception of vehicles with an incapacity towing and of towing axles) may only be put into operation on public roads if they are approved by the managing authority (authorisation authority) by issuing a type-approval or EC type-approval and by assigning an official vehicle or trailer licence.
(2) Excluded from the regulations on the authorisation procedure are…
No. 6.h … the following types of trailers… uniaxial trailers behind motorcycles;
(3) Vehicles exempted from the requirements of the authorisation procedure in accordance with paragraph 2 may only be put into operation on public roads if a licence or EC type-approval is issued for the vehicles.
A licence is required to participate in public transport. No use in road traffic would be permitted without proof of a licence. Therefore, among other things, the coupling must also be original and no rebuild. The permit must be demonstrated in writing in Germany. For certain trailers, the KBA in Flensburg is granted the permit. Type tag is a reference to a BE but not a proof. A type-approval may also be issued if no type-plate is present. Only a frame number is required. In short: No license without a frame number. The BE can be issued for: Campi, HP_500_95, MKH_M1, MKH_M2, MKH_M3, MWH_M1, MWH_M2, MWH_RB, WBD. For all other trailers without a licence, a decrease must be carried out at the Dekra. (very expensive and not worth it)
40 shield:
§ 58 StVZO Speed signs
(1) A speed sign indicates the maximum permissible speed of the vehicle concerned in kilometres per hour.
(2) The shield must be circular with a diameter of 200 mm and have a black edge. The digits must be made on a white basis in a black, bold inscription corresponding to Appendix V page 4 in a font size of 120 mm.
(3) Speed signs must be marked….
…. trailers with a maximum speed of less than 100 km/h determined by the design;
Repetition code:
§ 27 FZV – Design and attachment of the insurance identifier
(1) In 2006, the labeling of the insurance codes is blue on white ground, in 2007, green on white ground and in 2008, black on white ground; the colors repeat in the following transport years in this order and composition….
(4) If a trailer is carried along, the identification number of the insurance identifier at the rear side of the trailer shall be repeated in such a way that it can be read at an angle range of 45 degrees on both sides of the vehicle longitudinal axis at daylight to a distance of at least 15 m; the colors of the font and its background must correspond to those of the insurance mark of the pulling motor vehicle. A device for illuminating the insurance identifier on the pulling motor vehicle and the identification number on the trailer is permissible, but not necessary.
Legal conditions for trailer operation
Wow. Very detailed answer. Thank you very much. Thus, the depicted trailer does not go, because without lighting.
Yeah, but I didn’t write that, but it comes from the linked Simson forum.
And no, you can’t just hang that thing out of your picture.
You can’t just hang a trailer like that. Generally speaking, nothing speaks against a trailer on a moped, but you need an approved (illumination etc must also vote, quite transparently I do not find the rules). For the Simson series there were hangers, which are also allowed for it. But good luck finding a (favourable)…
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